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EV-GHG Mobile Source

Metadata Updated: November 30, 2020

The EV-GHG Mobile Source Data asset contains measured mobile source GHG emissions summary compliance information on light-duty vehicles, by model, for certification as required by the 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act, and as driven by the 2010 Presidential Memorandum Regarding Fuel Efficiency and the 2005 Supreme Court ruling in Massachusetts v. EPA that supported the regulation of CO2 as a pollutant. Manufacturers submit data on an annual basis, or as needed to document vehicle model changes. This asset will be expanded to include medium and heavy duty vehicles in the future.The EPA performs targeted GHG emissions tests on approximately 15% of vehicles submitted for certification. Confirmatory data on vehicles is associated with its corresponding submission data to verify the accuracy of manufacturer submissions beyond standard business rules.Submitted data comes in XML format or as documents, with the majority of submissions sent in XML, and includes descriptive information on the vehicle itself, emissions information, and the manufacturer's testing approach. This data may contain proprietary information (CBI) such as information on estimated sales or other data elements indicated by the submitter as confidential. CBI data is not publically available; however, CBI data can accessed within EPA under the restrictions of the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) CBI policy [RCS Link]. Pollutants data includes CO2, CH4, N2O. Datasets are divided by vehicle/engine model and/or year with corresponding emission, test, and certification data. Data assets are stored in EPA's Verify system.Coverage began in 2011, with summary light duty data available to the public on request. Raw data is only available to select EPA employees.EV-GHG Mobile Source Data submission documents with metadata, certificate and summary decision information is stored in Verify after it has been quality assured. Where summary data appears inaccurate, OTAQ returns the entries for review to their originator.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: See this page for license information.

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Metadata Created Date November 30, 2020
Metadata Updated Date November 30, 2020
Data Update Frequency irregular

Metadata Source

Harvested from OAR-OTAQ Non-Geo Records

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date November 30, 2020
Metadata Updated Date November 30, 2020
Publisher U.S. EPA Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) - Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ)
Identifier 1A180878-78FB-4FA5-B496-08B02D2C69E0
Data First Published 2014-01-01
Data Last Modified 2014-01-01
Public Access Level public
Data Update Frequency irregular
Bureau Code 020:00
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 3a2f4ad0-63b7-4055-b9e1-80f7e7f54a33
Harvest Source Id c021bd62-fca1-491d-8dff-bf6cff92d930
Harvest Source Title OAR-OTAQ Non-Geo Records
Program Code 020:072
Related Documents,
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash d35d7e036361385b85732b3400ba4ba8c8c44433
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial -180.0,18.0,-66.0,72.0

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