ESI-HI16 Manuka Bay, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii 2001 (Environmental Sensitivity Index Map)
Access & Use Information
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Metadata Date | May 30, 2024 |
Metadata Created Date | October 19, 2024 |
Metadata Updated Date | October 19, 2024 |
Reference Date(s) | 2001-07 (publication) |
Frequency Of Update | notPlanned |
Metadata Source
- ISO-19139 ISO-19139 Metadata
Harvested from CoRIS FGDC Metadata
Additional Metadata
Resource Type | Dataset |
Metadata Date | May 30, 2024 |
Metadata Created Date | October 19, 2024 |
Metadata Updated Date | October 19, 2024 |
Reference Date(s) | 2001-07 (publication) |
Responsible Party | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R), Hazardous Materials Response Division (HAZMAT) (Point of Contact) |
Contact Email | |
Guid | gov.noaa.crcp:esi_map_16_manuka_bay_hawaii_2001 |
Access Constraints | Use Constraints: DO NOT USE ESI MAPS FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES. Besides the above warning, there are no use constraints on these data. Note that the ESI maps should not be used to the exclusion of other pertinent data or information held by state or federal agencies or other organizations. Likewise, information contained in the maps cannot be used in place of consultations with environmental, natural resource, and cultural resource agencies, or in place of field surveys. Recognize that the information contained in the ESI maps represents known concentration areas or occurrences of natural, cultural, and human-use resources, but does not necessarily represent the full distribution or range of each species or resource. This is particularly important to recognize when considering potential impacts to protected resources, such as endangered species, wetlands, etc. Acknowledgment of the originators, publishers, contributors, and sources listed would be appreciated in products derived from these data., Access Constraints: None. |
Bbox East Long | -155.875 |
Bbox North Lat | 19.125 |
Bbox South Lat | 19.00 |
Bbox West Long | -156.00 |
Coupled Resource | |
Frequency Of Update | notPlanned |
Harvest Object Id | 30d163d0-66fe-4d0d-96e4-1012cb8e0276 |
Harvest Source Id | d96f14c5-3e35-4b0a-a3b8-9392afeb50fa |
Harvest Source Title | CoRIS FGDC Metadata |
Licence | NOAA makes no warranty regarding these data, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data, nor as a result of the failure of these data to function on a particular system. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by NOAA regarding the utility of the data on any other system, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. NOAA warrants the delivery of this product in computer-readable format, and will offer a replacement copy of the product when the product is determined unreadable by computer-input peripherals, or when the physical medium is delivered in damaged condition. |
Lineage | |
Metadata Language | eng; USA |
Metadata Type | geospatial |
Old Spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-156.0, 19.0], [-155.875, 19.0], [-155.875, 19.125], [-156.0, 19.125], [-156.0, 19.0]]]} |
Progress | completed |
Spatial Data Service Type | |
Spatial Reference System | |
Spatial Harvester | True |
Temporal Extent Begin | 2000-01-01 |
Temporal Extent End | 2001-01-01 |
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