In order to facilitate public review and access, enrollment data published on the Open Data Portal is provided as promptly as possible after the end of each month or year, as applicable to the data set. Due to eligibility policies and operational processes, enrollment can vary slightly after publication. Please be aware of the point-in-time nature of the published data when comparing to other data published or shared by the Department of Social Services, as this data may vary slightly.
As a general practice, for monthly data sets published on the Open Data Portal, DSS will continue to refresh the monthly enrollment data for three months, after which time it will remain static. For example, when March data is published the data in January and February will be refreshed. When April data is published, February and March data will be refreshed, but January will not change. This allows the Department to account for the most common enrollment variations in published data while also ensuring that data remains as stable as possible over time. In the event of a significant change in enrollment data, the Department may republish reports and will notate such republication dates and reasons accordingly.
In March 2020, Connecticut opted to add a new Medicaid coverage group: the COVID-19 Testing Coverage for the Uninsured. Enrollment data on this limited-benefit Medicaid coverage group is being incorporated into Medicaid data effective January 1, 2021. Enrollment data for this coverage group prior to January 1, 2021, was listed under State Funded Medical. An historical accounting of enrollment of the specific coverage group starting in calendar year 2020 will also be published separately.
The data represents number of active recipients who received benefits under a program in that calendar year. A recipient may have received benefits from multiple programs in the same year; if so that recipient will be included in multiple categories in this dataset (counted more than once.)
For privacy considerations, a count of zero is used for counts less than five.
NOTE: On April 22, 2019 the methodology for determining HUSKY A Newborn recipients changed, which caused an increase of recipients for that benefit starting in October 2016. We now count recipients recorded in the ImpaCT system as well as in the HIX system for that assistance type, instead using HIX exclusively.
Also, the methodology for determining the address of the recipients changed:
1. The address of a recipient in the ImpaCT system is now correctly determined specific to that month instead of using the address of the most recent month. This resulted in some shuffling of the recipients among townships starting in October 2016.
2. If, in a given month, a recipient has benefit records in both the HIX system and in the ImpaCT system, the address of the recipient is now calculated as follows to resolve conflicts: Use the residential address in ImpaCT if it exists, else use the mailing address in ImpaCT if it exists, else use the address in HIX. This resulted in a reduction in counts for most townships starting in March 2017 because a single address is now used instead of two when the systems do not agree.
NOTE: On February 14 2019, the enrollment counts for 2012-2015 across all programs were updated to account for an error in the data integration process. As a result, the count of the number of people served increased by 13% for 2012, 10% for 2013, 8% for 2014 and 4% for 2015. Counts for 2016, 2017 and 2018 remain unchanged.
NOTE: On 11/30/2018 the counts were revised because of a change in the way active recipients were counted in one source system.