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Developing a semi-automated CoralNet Bleaching Classifier: annotations and imagery from survey sites across the Hawaiian Archipelago between 2014 and 2019 (NCEI Accession 0269246)

Metadata Updated: March 17, 2023

This data package includes datasets and benthic imagery that support the development of a semi-automated coral bleaching classifier in CoralNet. The datasets in this package include annotations of imagery produced to test and train the CoralNet Bleaching Classifier, the annotation label set used in CoralNet, and site-level metadata for annotated imagery. The datasets were generated by scientists of the Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD) at the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) at NOAA, funded by the Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP). This data package includes non-ESD imagery used to develop this classifier, including images of sites in the Papahanoumokuakea National Monument (collected in 2014 by Courtney Couch, a scientist of the ESD), and of sites in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu (in 2015 by The Nature Conservancy). Other source imagery that was used to develop this classifier was collected by the ESD during the 2019 Hawaii coral bleaching event, as well as during the 2015, 2016, and 2019 NWHI National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) survey missions following the traditional photoquadrat collection methodology for NCRMP surveys; this imagery has already been archived, or is a pending archive package; they are described and accessible at and

To create this classifier, named the NOAA ESD Coral Bleaching Classifier (accessible at:, a set of training imagery with corresponding point coordinates and label annotations were uploaded to the classifier's source. The training annotations were made by human annotators on both randomly generated and targeted points. Once the training imagery and annotations were uploaded, the automated classification abilities of the classifier were tested by uploading imagery and point locations, but without corresponding label annotations. The machine generated labels for these points were then compared against the human generated labels, which had not been uploaded. See the CoralNet Bleaching Classifier SOP for more information:

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License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Date 2023-02-06T13:44:35Z
Metadata Created Date March 17, 2023
Metadata Updated Date March 17, 2023
Reference Date(s) November 25, 2022 (publication)
Frequency Of Update asNeeded

Metadata Source

Harvested from NOAA/NESDIS/ncei/accessions

Graphic Preview

Preview graphic

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date 2023-02-06T13:44:35Z
Metadata Created Date March 17, 2023
Metadata Updated Date March 17, 2023
Reference Date(s) November 25, 2022 (publication)
Responsible Party (Point of Contact)
Contact Email
Guid gov.noaa.nodc:0269246
Access Constraints Cite as: Ecosystem Sciences Division, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (2022). Developing a semi-automated CoralNet Bleaching Classifier: annotations and imagery from survey sites across the Hawaiian Archipelago between 2014 and 2019 (NCEI Accession 0269246). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date]., Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
Bbox East Long -155.8366193
Bbox North Lat 28.459215
Bbox South Lat 19.31344
Bbox West Long -178.383718
Coupled Resource
Frequency Of Update asNeeded
Graphic Preview Description Preview graphic
Graphic Preview File
Graphic Preview Type PNG
Harvest Object Id 29c4523d-21b5-4619-bab2-64ccb4dc5e66
Harvest Source Id c084a438-6f6b-470d-93e0-16aeddb9f513
Harvest Source Title NOAA/NESDIS/ncei/accessions
Licence accessLevel: Public
Metadata Language eng
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-178.383718, 19.31344], [-155.8366193, 19.31344], [-155.8366193, 28.459215], [-178.383718, 28.459215], [-178.383718, 19.31344]]]}
Progress completed
Spatial Data Service Type
Spatial Reference System
Spatial Harvester True
Temporal Extent Begin 2014-08-20
Temporal Extent End 2019-11-14

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