This dataset highlights wetlands designated for protection in the State of Iowa.
Designated wetland is defined in Iowa Code subsection 459.102(21) as follows:
21. "Designated wetland" means land designated as a protected wetland by the United States Department of the Interior or the Department of Natural Resources, including but not limited to a protected wetland as defined in section 456B.1, if the land is owned and managed by the federal government or the Department of Natural Resources. However, a designated wetland does not include land where an agricultural drainage well has been plugged causing a temporary wetland or land within a drainage district or levee district.
As referenced in the foregoing definition, protected wetland is defined in Iowa Code subsection 456B.1(4) as follows:
4. "Protected wetlands" means type 3, type 4, and type 5 wetlands as described in circular 39, Wetlands of the United States, 1971 Edition, published by the United States Department of the Interior. However, a protected wetland does not include land where an agricultural drainage well has been plugged causing a temporary wetland or land within a drainage district or levee district.
Iowa Code paragraph 459.310(1)(b) provides:
b. A confinement feeding operation structure shall not be constructed if the confinement feeding operation structure as constructed is closer than any of the following:
Five hundred (500) feet away from a water source other than a major water source.
(2) One thousand (1,000) feet away from a major water source.
(3) Two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet away from a designated wetland.
Separation distances apply to all confinement feeding operations regardless of size and whether a permit is needed.
Open feedlots are separate and do not have any separation distances.
If there is already a confinement within 2,500 feet of an existing wetland, it will not prevent the designation from occurring. For separation distances to other items (neighbors, towns, parks, etc.) - the confinement is grand fathered in since it was there before the separation distance was expanded. It will work similarly in this case - a confinement could be there and be exempt from the 2,500 foot separation distance since it was there before the separation distance was imposed. But no new confinements would be allowed in the 2,500 feet once the designation takes place.
A designated wetland will not be "established" if closer than 2,500 feet of an existing confinement. Any wetlands created or restored on state or federal lands within 2,500 feet of an existing confinement will not be eligible for designation.
These separation distances do not apply If the Confinement Animal Feeding Operation Structure includes construction of a secondary containment barrier