This site provides historical data related to COVID-19 booster dose eligibility presented on two CDC COVID Data Tracker sites: Vaccinations in the US and Vaccination Equity. Data are updated weekly on Thursdays.Some COVID-19 vaccine recipients are eligible to receive booster doses, and criteria for booster eligibility may change over time. Data and footnotes will be updated to align with the current recommendations. CDC counts people as having “received a booster dose” if they are fully vaccinated and received another dose of any COVID-19 vaccine on or after August 13, 2021. This does not distinguish whether the recipient is immunocompromised and received an additional doseData Limitations: The booster eligibility metric excludes fully vaccinated recipients who have an “Other” primary series vaccine type. Booster eligibility counts and percentages exclude vaccine administrations reported by Texas as the primary series cannot be linked to booster dose in the aggregate data submitted by Texas. Footnotes:CDC counts people as being “eligible to get a booster dose<