Coral reef fish biomass and benthic cover data from Timor-Leste in June 2013
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PIFSC CREP blog post: NOAA scientists, local partners mark Coral Triangle Day...
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PIFSC CREP blog post: Scientists assess reef fish and benthic communities,...
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PIFSC CREP blog post: The final count: summary of mission to assess reef fish...
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PIFSC CREP blog post: Update from Timor-Leste: team completes 50 surveys of...
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PIFSC CREP website: Fish Ecology and Monitoring
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Metadata Date | February 29, 2024 |
Metadata Created Date | November 12, 2020 |
Metadata Updated Date | March 16, 2024 |
Reference Date(s) | 2015 (publication) |
Frequency Of Update | notPlanned |
Metadata Source
- ISO-19139 ISO-19139 Metadata
Harvested from NMFS PIFSC
Graphic Preview
Additional Metadata
Resource Type | Dataset |
Metadata Date | February 29, 2024 |
Metadata Created Date | November 12, 2020 |
Metadata Updated Date | March 16, 2024 |
Reference Date(s) | 2015 (publication) |
Responsible Party | (Point of Contact, Custodian) |
Contact Email | |
Guid | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:32998 |
Access Constraints | Cite As: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, [Date of Access]: Coral reef fish biomass and benthic cover data from Timor-Leste in June 2013 [Data Date Range],, Access Constraints: None, Use Constraints: Please cite NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP) and acknowledge the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Timor-Leste when using the data. Suggested citation: Coral Reef Ecosystem Program; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (2017). Coral reef fish biomass and benthic cover data from Timor-Leste in June 2013. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information., Distribution Liability: While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. |
Bbox East Long | 127.5 |
Bbox North Lat | -8.1 |
Bbox South Lat | -9.4 |
Bbox West Long | 124 |
Coupled Resource | |
Frequency Of Update | notPlanned |
Graphic Preview Description | Diver counting coral reef fishes using the SPC method. |
Graphic Preview File | |
Graphic Preview Type | JPG |
Harvest Object Id | 2add84a3-5c04-4f6b-8bf6-43005b8a5552 |
Harvest Source Id | c0beac72-5f43-4455-8c33-1b345fbc2dfe |
Harvest Source Title | NMFS PIFSC |
Licence | NOAA provides no warranty, nor accepts any liability occurring from any incomplete, incorrect, or misleading data, or from any incorrect, incomplete, or misleading use of the data. It is the responsibility of the user to determine whether or not the data is suitable for the intended purpose. |
Lineage | All sites were surveyed using CREP's standard coral reef fish assemblage survey method, stationary point counts (SPC). The current SPC protocol involves pairs of divers recording the number, size, and species of all fishes observed within visually estimated cylinders 15 m in diameter. At the start of a survey dive, a pair of divers first lay down a 30-m transect line along a predetermined depth contour, and then the two divers move to the 7.5- and 22.5-m marks on that line; these marks serve as the centers of two adjacent SPC cylinders. During the first 5 min of a survey, the divers create a list of the fish species observed in or passing through their cylinder. After the first 5 min, divers systematically proceed down their species lists, counting and estimating the size (TL) of each fish present to the nearest centimeter. Species seen after the 5 min or outside of the survey area are recorded as present. |
Metadata Language | eng |
Metadata Type | geospatial |
Old Spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[124.0, -9.4], [127.5, -9.4], [127.5, -8.1], [124.0, -8.1], [124.0, -9.4]]]} |
Progress | completed |
Spatial Data Service Type | |
Spatial Reference System | |
Spatial Harvester | True |
Temporal Extent Begin | 2013-06-04 |
Temporal Extent End | 2013-06-27 |
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