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Community Navigator Pilot Program Grantees

Metadata Updated: February 14, 2023

The Community Navigator Pilot Program supports a network of organizations committed to serving small businesses and entrepreneurs in underserved communities. This network uses a 'Hub and Spoke' model: a centralized 'Hub' coordinates and supports local 'Spoke' organizations on the ground. The attached spreadsheet contains lists of Hub and Spoke organizations: On the 'Hubs' tab, each Hub has a link to its website. Note that some Hubs may be located in one city or state, but support Spokes that serve a wider region. On the 'Spokes' tab, each Spoke is connected to its Hub. Each of the 51 Community Navigator projects falls into one of three tiers, related to the geographic reach of that project: Tier 1 - national level: (8 awards, max $5M per award) Organizations support a minimum of five service areas (not within the same state), containing a population greater than 500,000. Tier 2 - state/local level: (11 awards, max $2.5M per award) Organizations support an individual state, region, municipality, or city with total service population of greater than or equal to 500,000. Tier 3 - local level: (32 awards, max $1M per award) Organizations support a region, municipality, city, tribal or rural community with total service population of less than 500,000.

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: us-pd

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Metadata Created Date February 9, 2023
Metadata Updated Date February 14, 2023

Metadata Source

Harvested from SBA JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date February 9, 2023
Metadata Updated Date February 14, 2023
Publisher Small Business Administration
Identifier SBA-OED-2022-09-001
Language en-US
Data Last Modified 2022-09-21T13:30:40.762Z
Rights true
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 028:00
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Datagov Dedupe Retained 20230214100612
Harvest Object Id 4f20e4ff-1745-4682-b839-a65c3c909f59
Harvest Source Id 28b33837-be63-4613-b4d9-452b032fc031
Harvest Source Title SBA JSON
Program Code 028:000
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 7f334dd34c8d7f8e57c501b02539336d6db7cef1
Source Schema Version 1.1

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