USAID's Collecting Taxes Database (CTD) is a compilation of international statistics about taxation designed to provide policymakers, practitioners, and researchers with the means to conduct analysis on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM). It is part of a wider agenda of the international community to help countries strengthen their tax systems and mobilize domestic revenue.
The CTD includes information on tax performance and tax administration variables for 200 countries and territories. USAID plans to update the CTD annually.
The CTD comprises a set of 30 indicators divided into three main categories -- (1) Tax
Rates and Structure; (2) Tax Performance; and (3) Tax Administration -- and includes
information on 200 national tax systems. The tax rates and structure indicators capture
historical tax rates and thresholds. The tax performance indicators measure how
effectively the tax system produces revenues.
The CTD Performance Data includes Tax Rates and Structure and Tax Performance data.