Dataset for journal article "Climate Change, Extreme Events, and Their Potential Effects on Aboveground Storage Tanks" published in EM Magazine in September 2023. The dataset describes calculations for predicted emissions based on AP-42, Chapter 7, and the TankESP software from Trinity Consultants. The calculations are detailed for aboveground storage tanks at various temperatures, wind speeds, and maintenance conditions for an example tank storing gasoline in Greensboro, NC. The dataset also describes the composition of the gasoline used in the example calculations. A glossary of abbreviations is also provided. The same dataset was used to produce a two-page summary report, Community Vulnerabilities at Aboveground Storage Tanks Due to Climate Change and Extreme Events.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Smith, R.L., J. Terriquez, E. Thoma, M.A. Gonzalez, D. Johnson, H. Buenning, F. Kremer, J.D. Carpenter, and N.N. Clark. Climate Change, Extreme Events, and Their Potential Effects on Aboveground Storage Tanks. EM: AIR AND WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION'S MAGAZINE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGERS. Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1-6, (2023).