The goal of the Chicago Women's Health Risk Study (CWHRS)
was to develop a reliable and validated profile of risk factors
directly related to lethal or life-threatening outcomes in intimate
partner violence, for use in agencies and organizations working to
help women in abusive relationships. Data were collected to draw
comparisons between abused women in situations resulting in fatal
outcomes and those without fatal outcomes, as well as a baseline
comparison of abused women and non-abused women, taking into account
the interaction of events, circumstances, and interventions occurring
over the course of a year or two. The CWHRS used a quasi-experimental
design to gather survey data on 705 women at the point of service for
any kind of treatment (related to abuse or not) sought at one of four
medical sites serving populations in areas with high rates of intimate
partner homicide (Chicago Women's Health Center, Cook County Hospital,
Erie Family Health Center, and Roseland Public Health Center). Over
2,600 women were randomly screened in these settings, following strict
protocols for safety and privacy. One goal of the design was that the
sample would not systematically exclude high-risk but understudied
populations, such as expectant mothers, women without regular sources
of health care, and abused women in situations where the abuse is
unknown to helping agencies. To accomplish this, the study used
sensitive contact and interview procedures, developed sensitive
instruments, and worked closely with each sample site. The CWHRS
attempted to interview all women who answered "yes -- within the past
year" to any of the three screening questions, and about 30 percent of
women who did not answer yes, provided that the women were over age 17
and had been in an intimate relationship in the past year. In total,
705 women were interviewed, 497 of whom reported that they had
experienced physical violence or a violent threat at the hands of an
intimate partner in the past year (the abused, or AW, group). The
remaining 208 women formed the comparison group (the non-abused, or
NAW, group). Data from the initial interview sections comprise Parts
1-8. For some women, the AW versus NAW interview status was not the
same as their screening status. When a woman told the interviewer that
she had experienced violence or a violent threat in the past year, she
and the interviewer completed a daily calendar history, including
details of important events and each violent incident that had
occurred the previous year. The study attempted to conduct one or two
follow-up interviews over the following year with the 497 women
categorized as AW. The follow-up rate was 66 percent. Data from this
part of the clinic/hospital sample are found in Parts 9-12. In
addition to the clinic/hospital sample, the CWHRS collected data on
each of the 87 intimate partner homicides occurring in Chicago over a
two-year period that involved at least one woman age 18 or
older. Using the same interview schedule as for the clinic/hospital
sample, CWHRS interviewers conducted personal interviews with one to
three "proxy respondents" per case, people who were knowledgeable and
credible sources of information about the couple and their
relationship, and information was compiled from official or public
records, such as court records, witness statements, and newspaper
accounts (Parts 13-15). In homicides in which a woman was the homicide
offender, attempts were made to contact and interview her. This
"lethal" sample, all such homicides that took place in 1995 or 1996,
was developed from two sources, HOMICIDES IN CHICAGO, 1965-1995 (ICPSR
6399) and the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office. Part 1 includes
demographic variables describing each respondent, such as age, race
and ethnicity, level of education, employment status, screening status
(AW or NAW), birthplace, and marital status. Variables in Part 2
include details about the woman's household, such as whether she was
homeless, the number of people living in the household and details
about each person, the number of her children or other children in the
household, details of any of her children not living in her household,
and any changes in the household structure over the past
year. Variables in Part 3 deal with the woman's physical and mental
health, including pregnancy, and with her social support network and
material resources. Variables in Part 4 provide information on the
number and type of firearms in the household, whether the woman had
experienced power, control, stalking, or harassment at the hands of an
intimate partner in the past year, whether she had experienced
specific types of violence or violent threats at the hands of an
intimate partner in the past year, and whether she had experienced
symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder related to the incidents in
the past month. Variables in Part 5 specify the partner or partners
who were responsible for the incidents in the past year, record the
type and length of the woman's relationship with each of these
partners, and provide detailed information on the one partner she
chose to talk about (called "Name"). Variables in Part 6 probe the
woman's help-seeking and interventions in the past year. Variables in
Part 7 include questions comprising the Campbell Danger Assessment
(Campbell, 1993). Part 8 assembles variables pertaining to the chosen
abusive partner (Name). Part 9, an event-level file, includes the type
and the date of each event the woman discussed in a 12-month
retrospective calendar history. Part 10, an incident-level file,
includes variables describing each violent incident or threat of
violence. There is a unique identifier linking each woman to her set
of events or incidents. Part 11 is a person-level file in which the
incidents in Part 10 have been aggregated into totals for each
woman. Variables in Part 11 include, for example, the total number of
incidents during the year, the number of days before the interview
that the most recent incident had occurred, and the severity of the
most severe incident in the past year. Part 12 is a person-level file
that summarizes incident information from the follow-up interviews,
including the number of abuse incidents from the initial interview to
the last follow-up, the number of days between the initial interview
and the last follow-up, and the maximum severity of any follow-up
incident. Parts 1-12 contain a unique identifier variable that allows
users to link each respondent across files. Parts 13-15 contain data
from official records sources and information supplied by proxies for
victims of intimate partner homicides in 1995 and 1996 in
Chicago. Part 13 contains information about the homicide incidents
from the "lethal sample," along with outcomes of the court cases (if
any) from the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts. Variables
for Part 13 include the number of victims killed in the incident, the
month and year of the incident, the gender, race, and age of both the
victim and offender, who initiated the violence, the severity of any
other violence immediately preceding the death, if leaving the
relationship triggered the final incident, whether either partner was
invading the other's home at the time of the incident, whether
jealousy or infidelity was an issue in the final incident, whether
there was drug or alcohol use noted by witnesses, the predominant
motive of the homicide, location of the homicide, relationship of
victim to offender, type of weapon used, whether the offender
committed suicide after the homicide, whether any criminal charges
were filed, and the type of disposition and length of sentence for
that charge. Parts 14 and 15 contain data collected using the proxy
interview questionnaire (or the interview of the woman offender, if
applicable). The questionnaire used for Part 14 was identical to the
one used in the clinic sample, except for some extra questions about
the homicide incident. The data include only those 76 cases for which
at least one interview was conducted. Most variables in Part 14
pertain to the victim or the offender, regardless of gender (unless
otherwise labeled). For ease of analysis, Part 15 includes the same 76
cases as Part 14, but the variables are organized from the woman's
point of view, regardless of whether she was the victim or offender in
the homicide (for the same-sex cases, Part 15 is from the woman
victim's point of view). Parts 14 and 15 can be linked by ID
number. However, Part 14 includes five sets of variables that were
asked only from the woman's perspective in the original questionnaire:
household composition, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), social
support network, personal income (as opposed to household income), and
help-seeking and intervention. To avoid redundancy, these variables
appear only in Part 14. Other variables in Part 14 cover information
about the person(s) interviewed, the victim's and offender's age, sex,
race/ethnicity, birthplace, employment status at time of death, and
level of education, a scale of the victim's and offender's severity of
physical abuse in the year prior to the death, the length of the
relationship between victim and offender, the number of children
belonging to each partner, whether either partner tried to leave
and/or asked the other to stay away, the reasons why each partner
tried to leave, the longest amount of time each partner stayed away,
whether either or both partners returned to the relationship before
the death, any known physical or emotional problems sustained by
victim or offender, including the four-item Medical Outcomes Study
(MOS) scale of depression, drug and alcohol use of the victim and
offender, number and type of guns in the household of the victim and
offender, Scales of Power and Control (Johnson, 1996) or Stalking and
Harassment (Sheridan, 1992) by either intimate partner in the year
prior to the death, a modified version of the Conflict Tactics Scale
(CTS) (Johnson, 1996) measuring the type of physical violence
experienced by either intimate partner, and the Campbell Danger
Assessment for the victim and offender. In addition, Part 14 contains
a number of summary variables about the fatal incident, most of which
are also in Part 13. These include questions related to the
circumstances of the incident, time, place, witnesses, who had
initiated the violence, outcome for the offender (e.g., suicide or
other death, arrest, sentence, etc.), and outcome for children and
others who witnessed the violence or found the body. Part 15 contains
the same data as Part 14, except that each variable is presented from
the woman's point of view, regardless of whether she was the victim or
offender in the homicide. Additional summary variables were added
regarding the overall nature of any prior physical abuse in the
relationship, as well as the overall pattern of leaving and returning
to the relationship in the year prior to the death.