The Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) raw complete data set includes all RPWS telemetry data for the entire Cassini mission. This data set includes raw telemetry values for each frequency channel for each sensor for all times during the mission including the two Venus flybys, the Earth flyby, the Jupiter flyby, interplanetary cruise, and the entire Saturn tour. Data for this data set are acquired from the RPWS Low Frequency Receiver (LFR), Medium Frequency Receiver (MFR), Medium Frequency Digital Receiver (MFDR) (which can be used to replace MFR band 2 data), High Frequency Receiver (HFR), Sounder, and Langmuir Probe (LP). Data are decompressed and internal receiver minipackets are unsegmented. This data set is intended to preserve the telemetry data and is to be used only as a last resort. Other RPWS archived data sets are designed to be complete and more easily used. Browse data sets associated with the other data sets provide a graphical search of the data included in this data set. This data set should be the last used by a user of any of the RPWS archive as it is in the least user-friendly form.