Most of the ASAS data acquired for GRSFE were taken during flights over Lunar Lake, Nevada, at a nominal altitude of 5000 m above ground level. Flights over Lunar Lake were repeated to acquire data for a range of solar zenith angles and to obtain data for several view azimuth angles (i.e., for several flight headings relative to the solar principal plane). On most flights, the sensor field of view was initially pointed forward 45 degrees as the aircraft approached the site. The sensor then imaged the site through a sequence of seven fore-to-aft view directions ranging from 45 degrees forward to 45 degrees aft in 15 degree increments as the aircraft flew over the site. The primary target of interest was the Lunar Lake playa, but the digital images also include data for the lava flow and cobble areas within and around the playa. Data were acquired in a similar manner on one flight over the Ubehebe Crater. One flight over Lunar Lake was also flown approximately along the solar principal plane with the ASAS view zenith angle fixed at the solar zenith angle. The purpose of this flight was to observe the opposition effect.