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Annual Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) Survey South Sudan 2019

Metadata Updated: June 25, 2024

World Relief South Sudan (WRSS) was supported by USAID/OFDA (Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance) to implement lifesaving interventions of health, nutrition and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) activities between June 2018 and February 2019. The purpose of this project was to address emergency needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have fled violence and settled in Bentiu PoC, Rubkona County in Unity State and Fangak Counties in Jonglei State, as well as other conflict-affected populations in those areas. The emergency health and nutrition activities were implemented in both places, WASH was implemented in Fangak. The Health sector supported a primary healthcare center (PHCC) in Sector two of the Bentiu PoC and two primary healthcare units (PHCUs) in Fangak County, at Wicmuon and Tiep. The health facilities provided basic health services focusing on reproductive, maternal and child health services, immunization and health education programs, including capacity building activities for health facility staff, the trained community midwives, community health workers (CHWs) and Community Health Promoters (CHPs). The Nutrition sector implemented Management of Acute Malnutrition (MAM) services by providing screening, treatment, referral services for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and MAM cases, including follow-up services for malnourished children under five years of age and the malnourished pregnant and lactating women. The Nutrition sector also implemented Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E), community education focusing on feeding practices for infants and young children and behavior change for mothers and caretakers. WRSS worked with the local community structures consisting of community nutrition volunteers (CNVs) and mothers’ support groups (MSGs). The project provided training/ refreshers training on MAM and IYCF-E aligning with national guidelines. WASH activities focused on hygiene promotion activities where both Community Hygiene Committees and Water User Committees (WUCs) were trained and moved house-to-house promoting health and hygiene messages. They also conducted hygiene promotion campaigns which included handwashing and jerrycan cleaning demonstrations. WASH was also integrated with nutrition and health by ensuring availability of WASH infrastructure in facilities like handwashing stations, sanitation and waste management apparatus. This knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) survey was conducted between 14th and 28th February, 2019. A total of 974 mothers and caregivers of children 0-23.99 months were interviewed through semi-structured household questionnaire and 49 through Focused Group Discussions (FGDs). The purpose of the KAP survey was to identify and assess key issues of the project, to obtain data for key indicators and to inform the future project interventions with regard to health, nutrition and WASH so as to implement approaches that increase access to high quality services. The KAP Survey collected qualitative data through a semi-structured questionnaire. Findings were triangulated with Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) held with MSGs and CNVs, community health and hygiene promoters and Community leaders. The summary of key findings and recommendations of this KAP Survey are included in the attached survey report.

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Metadata Created Date July 29, 2023
Metadata Updated Date June 25, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from USAID JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date July 29, 2023
Metadata Updated Date June 25, 2024
Data First Published 2019-06-03
Data Last Modified 2024-06-25
Category Nutrition
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 184:15
Metadata Context
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Data Dictionary
Harvest Object Id a409a34f-d3af-4390-bf86-3f712d6475a2
Harvest Source Id 0aeddf52-9cb0-4ab6-bc1f-b53172fe5348
Harvest Source Title USAID JSON
Homepage URL
Program Code 184:037__184:018__184:019__184:016
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Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 4c63fa6ac6511da435ff249cef459bca0ce3da267800f5ef27b2a65fb63d6de1
Source Schema Version 1.1

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