EPA did not generate data as part of this work. This dataset is not publicly accessible because: I personally did not generate any new data in this study. It can be accessed through the following means: Via contact with corresponding author. Format: This study was led by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and they plan to distribute through Mendeley Data. Data is not yet posted.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Schmedding, R., M. Ma, Y. Zhang, S. Farrell, H. Pye, Y. Chen, C. Wang, Q. Rasool, S.H. Budisulistiorini, A. Ault, J. Surratt, and W. Vizuete. α-Pinene-Derived organic coatings on acidic sulfate aerosol impacts secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene in a box model. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 213: 456-462, (2019).