AKRO: Standard Prices
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Annual ex-vessel standard prices by management area and statewide for IFQ...
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Metadata Date | February 29, 2024 |
Metadata Created Date | October 19, 2024 |
Metadata Updated Date | October 19, 2024 |
Reference Date(s) | (publication) |
Frequency Of Update |
Metadata Source
- ISO-19139 ISO-19139 Metadata
Harvested from NMFS AKRO
Additional Metadata
Resource Type | Dataset |
Metadata Date | February 29, 2024 |
Metadata Created Date | October 19, 2024 |
Metadata Updated Date | October 19, 2024 |
Reference Date(s) | (publication) |
Responsible Party | (Point of Contact, Custodian) |
Contact Email | |
Guid | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:26796 |
Access Constraints | Cite As: Alaska Regional Office, [Date of Access]: AKRO: Standard Prices [Data Date Range], https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/inport/item/26796., Access Constraints: Standard price data may be sensitive under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act (2007) and can only be shared with authorized persons or in summary format for public dissemination. |
Bbox East Long | -130 |
Bbox North Lat | 72 |
Bbox South Lat | 50 |
Bbox West Long | -180 |
Coupled Resource | |
Frequency Of Update | |
Harvest Object Id | de365b63-719d-41fd-b0d5-51facffdc7ac |
Harvest Source Id | 4461dba7-fc74-401a-8a38-13caddf3aaa5 |
Harvest Source Title | NMFS AKRO |
Licence | NOAA provides no warranty, nor accepts any liability occurring from any incomplete, incorrect, or misleading data, or from any incorrect, incomplete, or misleading use of the data. It is the responsibility of the user to determine whether or not the data is suitable for the intended purpose. |
Lineage | Lineage for standard prices depends on the program for which the standard prices are determined and the source data of ex-vessel or first wholesale prices. In the IFQ halibut/sablefish program, the ex-vessel volume and value reports are submitted through eFish, NMFS' online application. Volume and value data are loaded into the NMFS Oracle database. Standard prices are calculated from the volume and value data and also stored in NMFS' Oracle database. In the BSAI rationalized crab fisheries, the ex-vessel volume and value reports are submitted through eFish, NMFS' online application. Volume and value data are loaded into the NMFS Oracle database. Standard prices are calculated from the volume and value data and also stored in NMFS' Oracle database. In the CGOA Rockfish program, the ex-vessel volume and value reports are submitted through eFish, NMFS' online application. Volume and value data are loaded into the NMFS Oracle database. Standard prices are calculated from the volume and value data and also stored in NMFS' Oracle database. For the North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program, standard prices for halibut IFQ or CDQ, sablefish IFQ, and sablefish accruing against the fixed gear sablefish CDQ reserve will be calculated from the volume and value report submitted for the IFQ halibut/sablefish program. For groundfish, the State of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission's (CFEC) gross revenue data are obtained from the Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN). These data are stored on NMFS' Oracle databases. Standard prices are calculated from the gross revenue data and also stored in NMFS' Oracle database. For the American Fisheries Act (AFA) pollock, Aleutian Islands pollock (AIP), and CDQ Bering Sea pollock, the State of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission's (CFEC) gross revenue data are obtained from the Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN). These data are stored on NMFS' Oracle databases. Standard prices are calculated from the gross revenue data and also stored in NMFS' Oracle database. For Amendment 80 (A80) and Community Development Quota (CDQ) Pacific cod, a Pacific cod volume and value report is submitted through eFish, NMFS' online application. Volume and value data are loaded into the NMFS Oracle database. Standard prices are calculated from the volume and value data and also stored in NMFS' Oracle database. For CDQ halibut and sablefish, the standard prices calculated for observer program fees will be used. A first wholesale volume and value report will be submitted using eFish, NMFS' online application, for the remaining groundfish species subject to cost recovery fees. Volume and value data are loaded into the NMFS Oracle database. Standard prices are calculated from the volume and value data and also stored in NMFS' Oracle database. |
Metadata Language | eng |
Metadata Type | geospatial |
Old Spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-180.0, 50.0], [-130.0, 50.0], [-130.0, 72.0], [-180.0, 72.0], [-180.0, 50.0]]]} |
Progress | |
Spatial Data Service Type | |
Spatial Reference System | |
Spatial Harvester | True |
Temporal Extent Begin | 2005 |
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