Data Records
The database is deposited on the Dryad Digital Repository as a series of Microsoft Excel files prepared to be used in coding. It is presented as individual files for each layer (epidermis, stratum corneum, dermis) and chemical type (fragrance related, non-volatile, hydrocortisone). Additional spreadsheets containing all information, the chemical descriptors, and time course data are also included along with a notated and color-coded file which is condensed and not recommended for coding.
Data Validation
The collection of experimental data was collected from its corresponding publication and the additional features were collected from the EPA CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (version 2.2.0), Padel-descriptor, as well as additional literature. The database was curated by a team of two and reviewed by an additional team member in order to ensure that the data were accurately reported with correct units. The dermal absorption coefficients were collected from peer-reviewed publications and included in the database, taking into account any additional supplementary materials and corrections.
This dataset is associated with the following publication:
Stevens, J., A. Prockter, H. Fisher, H. Tran, and M. Evans. A database of chemical absorption in human skin with mechanistic modeling applications. Scientific Data. Springer Nature, New York, NY, USA, 11: 755, (2024).