DGGS Geologic Earth Resource Library of Alaska (GERILA) Database recent views
State of Alaska —
DGGS Geologic Earth Resource Library of Alaska (GERILA) Database, Digital Data Series 22, is the enterprise database back-end to the Alaska Division of Geological... -
Surficial geology of the Juneau urban area and vicinity, Alaska, with emphasis on earthquake and other geologic hazards recent views
State of Alaska —
Surficial geology of the Juneau urban area and vicinity, Alaska, with emphasis on earthquake and other geologic hazards, Open-File Report 72-255, presents results... -
Lidar-derived elevation data for Eaglecrest ski area, Southeast Alaska, collected September 6, 2019 recent views
State of Alaska —
The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) used aerial lidar to produce a classified point cloud, digital surface model (DSM), digital terrain... -
Lidar-derived elevation data for Blackerby parcel, Juneau, southeast Alaska, collected July 12, 2023 recent views
State of Alaska —
Lidar-derived elevation data for Blackerby parcel, Juneau, southeast Alaska, collected July 12, 2023, Raw Data File 2024-8 releases classified point cloud derived... -
Lidar-derived elevation data for Ketchikan, Southeast Alaska, collected August 29, 2024 recent views
State of Alaska —
Lidar-derived elevation data for Ketchikan, Southeast Alaska, collected August 29, 2024, Raw Data File 2024-31, releases classified point cloud derived from aerial... -
Lidar-derived elevation data for Mount Juneau, Southeast Alaska, collected September 6, 2019 recent views
State of Alaska —
The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) used aerial lidar to produce a classified point cloud, digital surface model (DSM), digital terrain... -
Elevation Datasets of Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
This interactive map was designed to view known public-domain elevation datasets (LiDAR and InSAR) in Alaska. The map offers zoom and scroll options, and multiple... -
Geochemical data from samples collected in 2023 for the Chena and Mount Harper projects, Big Delta, Circle, Fairbanks, and Eagle quadrangles, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Geochemical data from samples collected in 2023 for the Chena and Mount Harper projects, Big Delta, Circle, Fairbanks, and Eagle quadrangles, Alaska, Raw Data File... -
Geologic Map Index of Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
The Geologic Map Index of Alaska (Map Index) is a GIS web feature service paired with an interactive web map application that provides access to an actively growing... -
Landslide hazard susceptibility mapping in Haines, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Landslide hazard susceptibility mapping in Haines, Alaska, Report of Investigation 2024-8, provides a map and database of historical and prehistoric slope failures,... -
Tsunami inundation maps for Skagway and Haines, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
In this report we evaluate potential tsunami hazards for the southeastern Alaska communities of Skagway and Haines and numerically model the extent of inundation from... -
Landslide hazard susceptibility mapping in Homer, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Landslide hazard susceptibility mapping in Homer, Alaska, Report of Investigation 2024-3, provides a map and database of historical and prehistoric slope failures,... -
Photogrammetry-derived digital surface model and orthoimagery of land areas near Resurrection Bay, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
The State of Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) produced a digital surface model (DSM) and an orthorectified aerial optical image mosaic... -
Storm impact survey data for selected Alaska coastal communities in response to Extra-Tropical Cyclone Merbok, September 2022 recent views
State of Alaska —
Storm impact survey data for selected Alaska coastal communities in response to Extra-Tropical Cyclone Merbok, September 2022, Raw Data File 2022-14, presents Global... -
Geothermal Resources of Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Between 1979 and 1982, the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, undertook an... -
Preliminary geologic map of the Fairbanks mining district, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Public Data File 96-16, Preliminary geologic map of the Fairbanks mining district, Alaska, provides detailed (1:63,360-scale) geologic mapping of portions of U.S.... -
Photogrammetry-derived orthoimagery and elevation data for Kongiganak, Alaska, collected June 7, 2023 recent views
State of Alaska —
Photogrammetry-derived orthoimagery and elevation data for Kongiganak, Alaska, collected June 7, 2023, Raw Data File 2024-20, provides low-altitude aerial images from... -
High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Livengood Quadrangle, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of... -
Photogrammetric digital surface models and orthoimagery for the continuous coastline, Wales to Platinum, Alaska, segment A: Wales to Teller recent views
State of Alaska —
Aerial photographs of the coastline from Wales to Teller were collected on August 27, 2015 - August 28, 2015. The photographs were processed using Structure-from-... -
Photogrammetry-derived orthoimagery and elevation for Kivalina, Alaska, collected August 21 and 23, 2023 recent views
State of Alaska —
Photogrammetry-derived orthoimagery and elevation for Kivalina, Alaska, collected August 21 and 23, 2023, Raw Data File 2024-19, provides low-altitude aerial images...