Sagebrush Distribution within the Biome Range Extent, as Derived from Classified Landsat Imagery recent views
Department of the Interior —
This raster portrays the distribution of sagebrush within the geographic extent of the sagebrush biome in the United States. It was created for the Western... -
BLM Natl IRFMS Sagebrush Assessment and Geospatial Evaluation (SAGE) Data Interactive Map Viewer recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data viewer provides access to a variety of geospatial data layers that can be used to help implement the Department of Interior's Integrated Rangeland Fire... -
The Sagebrush Biome Range Extent, as Derived from Classified Landsat Imagery recent views
Department of the Interior —
This feature estimates the geographic extent of the sagebrush biome in the United States. It was created for the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency’s...