Aquifers recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This map layer contains the shallowest principal aquifers of the conterminous United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, portrayed as polygons.... -
New Mexico Federal Lands recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This map layer consists of federally owned or administered lands of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Only areas of 640 acres or more are... -
BLM Natl Revision Development Land Use Plans recent views
Department of the Interior —
A Land Use Planning Area is defined as the geographic area within which the BLM will make decisions during a planning effort. A planning area boundary includes all... -
BLM Natl Approved Land Use Plans recent views
Department of the Interior —
A Land Use Planning Area is defined as the geographic area within which the BLM will make decisions during a planning effort. A planning area boundary includes all...