Soil Type 28 recent views
District of Columbia —
This data set is a digital soil survey and generally is the most detailed level of soil geographic data developed by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. The... -
Soils Farmland Classification
State of Connecticut —
Farmland classification identifies map units as prime farmland, farmland of statewide importance, farmland of local importance, or unique farmland. It identifies the... -
Soil Lines
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here See the Lake County Soils Documentation for additional information -- including an explanation of data fields. This product... -
Soils All Soils
State of Connecticut —
This data set is a digital soil survey and generally is the mostdetailed level of soil geographic data developed by the NationalCooperative Soil Survey. The... -
Soil Points
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here See the Lake County Soils Documentation for additional information -- including an explanation of data fields. This product... -
Soil Polygons
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here See the Lake County Soils Documentation for additional information -- including an explanation of data fields. This product... -
Soils Drainage Class
State of Connecticut —
Drainage class (natural)" refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods under conditions similar to those under which the soil formed. Alterations of the water... -
Soils Parent Material Name
State of Connecticut —
Parent material name is a term for the general physical, chemical, and mineralogical composition of the unconsolidated material, mineral or organic, in which the soil... -
Soils Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems
State of Connecticut —
Subsurface sewage disposal systems (SSDS) consist of a house sewer, a septic tank followed by a leaching system, any necessary pumps and siphons, and a groundwater... -
Soils Inland Wetland
State of Connecticut —
The State of Connecticut defines inland wetlands based on soils. The Connecticut Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act defines wetland soils to include any of the soil... -
Soils Hydric Rating
State of Connecticut —
This rating indicates the percentage of map units that meets the criteria for hydric soils. Map units are composed of one or more map unit components or soil types,...