California Counties recent views
State of California —
Counties in California intended for the NEVI Map.Data downloaded in May 2021 from https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/tiger-line-... -
Low-Income or Disadvantaged Communities Designated by California recent views
State of California —
This layer shows census tracts that meet the following definitions: Census tracts with median household incomes at or below 80 percent of the statewide median income... -
Oil Spill Incident Tracking [ds394] recent views
State of California —
The Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) Incident Tracking Database is a statewide oil spill tracking information system. The data are collected by OSPR... -
California Power Plants recent views
State of California —
The power plant locations and characteristics are part of the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) California Energy Infrastructure geospatial data sets. The data is... -
Traffic Volumes AADT recent views
State of California —
This traffic volumes feature class containing Traffic Volumes (also known as Traffic Counts) on California state highway network created from AADT excel spreadsheet... -
CGS Mineral Hazards: Indoor Radon Potential Study Areas recent views
State of California —
Study area boundaries for indoor radon potential conducted by the California Geological Survey. -
California Building Climate Zones recent views
State of California —
Building Climates Zones of California Climate Zone Descriptions for New Buildings - California is divided into 16 climatic boundaries or climate zones, which is... -
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Samples - 2011-2023 - OSPR [ds714] recent views
State of California —
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a class of organic compounds found in the environment associated with natural and anthropogenic activities such as the... -
California Electric Transmission Lines recent views
State of California —
The California Energy Commission (CEC) Electric Transmission Line geospatial data layer has been created to illustrate electric transmission in California. When used... -
Truck Volumes AADT recent views
State of California —
Annual average daily truck traffic is the total truck traffic volume divided by 365 days. Truck counting is done throughout the state in a program of continuous truck... -
CGS Map Sheet 48: National Loss from Earthquake Damage, Conterminous United States (2014 Estimate) recent views
State of California —
"Annualized Earthquake Losses (AEL) are economic losses from earthquake shaking-related building damage. These data use the most recent National Seismic Hazard Maps... -
Vegetation Map - Johnson Valley - CDFW [ds1019] recent views
State of California —
The 17,158 acre Johnson Valley project area is located in San Bernardino County, 32 miles east of Victorville, CA bisected by highway 247. The fine-scale vegetation... -
Bottlenecks recent views
State of California —
Bottleneck Mapping is a subproject of the Mobility Performance Report, which is one of the products of the Mobility Performance Reporting and Analysis Program... -
CGS Information Warehouse: Tsunami Inundation Maps recent views
State of California —
Produced collectively by tsunami modelers, geologic hazard mapping specialists, and emergency planning scientists from the University of Southern California (USC)... -
Energy Conservation Assistance Act (ECAA) recent views
State of California —
The California Energy Commission’s Energy Conservation Assistance Act (ECAA), authorized by the California Public Resources Code Section 25410, et seq., established... -
NSNF - Wildlife Linkages - CDFW [ds1005] recent views
State of California —
The northern Sierra Nevada foothills (NSNF) wildlife connectivity project modeled wildlife corridors for focal species between 271 landscape blocks within the... -
Climate Land Cover (LANDFIRE Derived) recent views
State of California —
Based primarily on the most recent release of LANDFIRE v2.0.0, this generalized land cover dataset provides full coverage of California including to the three... -
Public Piers and Jetties - R7 - CDFW [ds3090] recent views
State of California —
This feature contains the spatial representation of public fishing piers, jetties and breakwaters defined in Section 1.88 of Title 14, California Code of Regulations... -
Post Primacy Aquifer Exemptions recent views
State of California —
This post primacy aquifer exemption data depicts areas exempted by the US EPA for Class II injection after the March 14, 1983 Primacy agreement between the US EPA and... -
Wildlife Movement Barriers - CDFW [ds2867] recent views
State of California —
This dataset represents CDFWs ongoing effort to identify priority wildlife movement barriers across the state. Currently, increasing attention is being directed...