Crime Data from 2020 to Present recent views
City of Los Angeles —
Starting on March 7th, 2024, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) will adopt a new Records Management System for reporting crimes and arrests. This new system is... -
Motor Vehicle Collisions - Crashes recent views
City of New York —
The Motor Vehicle Collisions crash table contains details on the crash event. Each row represents a crash event. The Motor Vehicle Collisions data tables contain... -
NYPD Arrest Data (Year to Date) recent views
City of New York —
This is a breakdown of every arrest effected in NYC by the NYPD during the current year. This data is manually extracted every quarter and reviewed by the Office of... -
Crime Incidents in 2024 recent views
District of Columbia —
The dataset contains a subset of locations and attributes of incidents reported in the ASAP (Analytical Services Application) crime report database by the District of... -
Crimes - 2001 to Present recent views
City of Chicago —
This dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that occurred in the City of Chicago from 2001 to... -
MTA Workplace Violence Labor Law Incidents: Beginning 2019 recent views
State of New York —
This dataset reflects the monthly number of employee-reported incidents of workplace violence, as defined by New York State Labor Law Section 27-B, against on-duty... -
Baton Rouge Police Crime Incidents recent views
City of Baton Rouge —
Crime incident reports beginning January 1, 2021. Includes records for all crimes such as burglaries (vehicle, residential and non-residential), robberies... -
Calls for Service 2024 recent views
City of New Orleans —
This dataset reflects incidents that have been reported to the New Orleans Police Department in 2023. Data is provided by Orleans Parish Communication District... -
Crime Reports recent views
City of Austin —
AUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT DATA DISCLAIMER Please read and understand the following information. This dataset contains a record of incidents that the Austin Police... -
Sex Offenders recent views
City of Chicago —
Description: Pursuant to the Sex Offender and Child Murderer Community Notification Law, 730 ILCS 152/101,et seq., the Chicago Police Department maintains a list of... -
NYPD Hate Crimes recent views
City of New York —
Dataset containing confirmed hate crime incidents in NYC -
Crime Data from 2010 to 2019 recent views
City of Los Angeles —
This dataset reflects incidents of crime in the City of Los Angeles from 2010 - 2019. This data is transcribed from original crime reports that are typed on paper and... -
Index Crimes by County and Agency: Beginning 1990 recent views
State of New York —
The Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) collects crime reports from more than 500 New York State police and sheriffs' departments. DCJS compiles these... -
NYPD Shooting Incident Data (Historic) recent views
City of New York —
List of every shooting incident that occurred in NYC going back to 2006 through the end of the previous calendar year. This is a breakdown of every shooting incident... -
MTA Workplace Violence Penal Law Incidents: Beginning 2019 recent views
State of New York —
This dataset reflects the monthly number of employee-reported incidents of workplace violence, as defined by New York State Labor Law Section 27-B, against on-duty... -
NYPD Arrests Data (Historic) recent views
City of New York —
List of every arrest in NYC going back to 2006 through the end of the previous calendar year. This is a breakdown of every arrest effected in NYC by the NYPD going... -
Providence Police Case Log - Past 180 days recent views
City of Providence —
Recorded state and municipal offenses from AEGIS records management system of the Providence Police. A single case can contain multiple offenses. Refer to the case... -
School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2000 recent views
Department of Education —
The School Survey on Crime and Safety, 2000 (SSOCS:2000), is a study that is part of the School Survey on Crime and Safety's program; program data is available since... -
Motor Vehicle Collisions - Vehicles recent views
City of New York —
The Motor Vehicle Collisions vehicle table contains details on each vehicle involved in the crash. Each row represents a motor vehicle involved in a crash. The data...