National Obesity By State recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
National Obesity Percentages by State. Explanation of Field Attributes:Obesity - The percent of the state population that is considered obese from the 2015 CDC BRFSS... -
Cancer Rates recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Cancer Rates for Lake County Illinois. Explanation of field attributes: Colorectal Cancer - Cancer that develops in the colon (the longest part of the large... -
National Obesity By State recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Layers in this service includes: Birth, Cancer, Hospitalization Discharge, Mortality and STI Rates, as well as Demographics. -
Hospitalization Discharge Rates recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Hospitalization Discharge Rates in Lake County, Illinois. Explanation of field attributes: Anxiety Disorder - Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear or... -
Birth Statistics recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Births rates across Lake County, Illinois by ZIP Code. Explanation of field attributes: LBW - Low birth weight is defined as a birth where the baby weighs less than... -
Demographics recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Lake County, Illinois Demographic Data. Explanation of field attributes: Total Population – The entire population of Lake County. White – Individuals who are of... -
U.S. Congressional Districts recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here. Boundaries for representatives to the U.S. House of Representatives as established by that body. Update Frequency: This... -
Obesity Percentages recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Obesity percentages for Lake County, Illinois. Explanation of field attributes: Pct_Obese – The percent of people in the zip code who are considered obese, defined as... -
Mortality Rates recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Mortality Rates for Lake County, Illinois. Explanation of field attributes: Average Age of Death – The average age at which a people in the given zip code die. Cancer... -
Cancer Rates recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Layers in this service includes: Birth, Cancer, Hospitalization Discharge, Mortality and STI Rates, as well as Demographics. -
Birth Rates recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Layers in this service includes: Birth, Cancer, Hospitalization Discharge, Mortality and STI Rates, as well as Demographics. -
Street Centerlines recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here. The Street Centerline feature class now follows the NG911/State of Illinois data specifications including a StreetNameAlias... -
Illinois Obesity By County recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
State of Illinois Obesity Percentages by County. Explanation of field attributes: Obesity - The percent of each Illinois county’s population that is considered obese... -
Tax Parcels recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here In addition to the Tax Parcel polygons feature class, the hyperlink download above also contains a parcel point data layer... -
Tax Parcel Data recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
The Lake County Data Extract provides parcel characteristics and tax information for all properties located in Lake County, Illinois. Casual users can find the... -
Voting Precincts recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here. Registered voters are assigned to individual precincts and cast their votes at the designated polling place for the precinct.... -
Fire Protection Districts recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Download In State Plane Projection Here. Fire district boundaries are based on legal documents filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds and on court orders.... -
Lake County Maps Online recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Lake County's most comprehensive interactive web mapping application and GIS data viewer. View data, run analysis tools, and create PDF documents all inside Maps Online! -
STI Rates recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
STI Rates in Lake County, Illinois. An explanation of field attributes: Chlamydia- Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacteria... -
Obesity Percentages recent views
Lake County, Illinois —
Layers in this service includes: Birth, Cancer, Hospitalization Discharge, Mortality and STI Rates, as well as Demographics.