Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Randolph, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital data from VG10-2 Wright, S., Larsen, F., and Springston, G., 2010,�Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Randolph, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Dover, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital data from VG11-1 Van Hoesen, J., 2011,�Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Dover,�Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report VG11-1, 1 color plate,... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Bristol Quadrangle, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital data from VG13-2 Springston, G, and Kim, J, 2013, Surficial Geologic Map of the Bristol Quadrangle, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Milton Quadrangle, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital Data from VG95-8A Dorsey, R, Doolan, B, Agnew, PC, Carter, CM, Rosencrantz, EJ, and Stanley, RS, 1995, Digital compilation bedrock geologic map of the Milton... -
Bedrock Geologic Map of the Wallingford Quadrangle, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital Data from VG98-335A Burton, WC, and Ratcliffe, NM, 2000, Digital and preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Wallingford quadrangle, Vermont: USGS Open-File... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Town of Woodstock, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital data from VG06-5 DeSimone, D., 2006,�Surficial Geologic Map and Groundwater Resources of Woodstock, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey Open-File Report... -
Geology and hydrogeology of the Town of Calais, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Digital data from VG2016-1 Springston, G., Kim, J., Gale. M. and Thomas, E., 2016, Geology and hydrogeology of the Town of Calais, Vermont: Vermont Geological Survey... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Pico Peak Quadrangle, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
"Digital data from VG12-1 Wright, S., 2012, Surficial Geologic Map of the Pico Peak, Vermont 7.5 Minute Quadrangle: Vermont Geological Survey Open File Report VG12-1,... -
Surficial Geologic Map of the Stowe Quadrangle, Vermont recent views
Vermont Center for Geographic Information —
Maps at a scale of 1:24,000 are used to identify surficial geologic materials and resources, to identify and evaluate physical hazards, and to evaluate groundwater...