BLM SD SMA Surface Ownership Polygon recent views
Department of the Interior —
Surface Management Agency: The Surface Management Agency (SMA) Geographic Information System (GIS) dataset depicts Federal land for the State of South Dakota, and... -
BLM Natl GTLF Public Nonmotorized Trails recent views
Department of the Interior —
This feature class is the BLM Natl GTLF Public Nonmotorized Trails subset of the feature dataset containing the BLM Ground Transportation Linear Features. A linear... -
BLM Natl WesternUS GRSG Biologically Significant Units October 2017 Update recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Sheeprocks (UT) was revised to resync with the UT habitat change as reflected in the Oct 2017 habitat data, creating the most up-to-date version of this dataset.... -
BLM CA Corners Public Land Survey System recent views
Department of the Interior —
These are the cadastral reference features that provide the basis and framework for parcel mapping and for other mapping. This feature data set contains PLSS and... -
BLM UT PLSS-GCDB Cadastral Data External Site recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC) services are the authoritative source for Utah cadastral data used by the BLM Utah State Office. This includes the... -
BLM MT SMA Surface Ownership Polygon recent views
Department of the Interior —
Surface Management Agency: The Surface Management Agency (SMA) Geographic Information System (GIS) dataset depicts Federal land for the State of Montana, and... -
BLM Alaska Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Cadastral National Spatial Data Infrastructure (CadNSDI) recent views
Department of the Interior —
BLM Alaska PLSS Intersected: This dataset represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys. The... -
BLM Colorado Federal Mineral Estate recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set is a result of compiling differing source materials of various vintages.Source material examples used to create and maintain dataset include: BLM 100k... -
BLM OR Northern Spotted Owl Sites Publication Point Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
NSO_SITE_PUB_PT: The Northern Spotted Owl (NSO) data standard documents how spatial location and information about inventory and monitoring activities for Northern... -
BLM Natl Recreation Site Polygons recent views
Department of the Interior —
This polygon feature class represents the spatial extent and boundaries of the BLM Recreation Sites. The general types of recreation polygon features targeted by this... -
BLM National Taylor Grazing Act District Boundaries Polygons recent views
Department of the Interior —
This is the official national dataset of BLM's Taylor Grazing Act (TGA) grazing district boundaries which portrays the grazing districts established or subsequently... -
BLM CO Forest Product Harvest Areas recent views
Department of the Interior —
Forestry products are of public interest and have permit requirements to remove them.This dataset was created to help users locate acceptable and unacceptable BLM... -
BLM Natl FIAT Northern Great Basin (NGB) Sagebrush Habitat at Risk of Conifer Expansion 2015 Integer Raster recent views
Department of the Interior —
A 30 meter integer grid derived from USGS GAP data published in 2010 of sagebrush land cover within 120 meters of conifer land cover. It is one of several inputs used... -
BLM Natl FIAT Central Oregon (COR) Sagebrush Habitat at Risk of Conifer Expansion 2015 Integer Raster recent views
Department of the Interior —
A 30 meter integer grid derived from USGS GAP data published in 2010 of sagebrush land cover within 120 meters of conifer land cover. It is one of several inputs used... -
BLM Colorado Range Improvements recent views
Department of the Interior —
Range Improvements are man-made or man-caused features on the landscape designed and implemented for the purpose of improving the available forage, managing the... -
BLM AK Ground Transportation Linear Features GTLF within Alaska recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Ground Transportation Linear Feature (GTLF) data standard provides a national geospatial data standard of the ground transportation linear features. A national... -
BLM ID CADNSDI PLSS Second Division recent views
Department of the Interior —
The second division of the PLSS is quarter, quarter-quarter, sixteenth or government lot division of the PLSS. The second and third divisions are combined into this... -
BLM AK Easement 17(b) Line recent views
Department of the Interior —
The ANCSA 17(b) Easement dataset represents spatial location and basic information about 17(b) easements within the state of Alaska. ANCSA 17(b) easements are rights... -
BLM OR Recreation Site Point Hub recent views
Department of the Interior —
recsite_point: This data set includes all recreation features under BLM management in Oregon which are best represented as points such as trailheads, dispersed... -
BLM NV ACEC Designated Polygons recent views
Department of the Interior —
This polygon feature class shows the spatial extent and boundaries of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern that have become officially designated by the BLM...