Polygons of global undersea features for geographic searches recent views
Department of the Interior —
A shapefile of 311 undersea features from all major oceans and seas has been created as an aid for retrieving georeferenced information resources. Version 1.1 of the... -
Surficial geologic map of the Juneau urban area and vicinity, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Surficial geologic map of the Juneau urban area and vicinity, Alaska, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 885, presents results from a geologic investigation of... -
Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Canton Lake to Lake Overholser in central Oklahoma recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set consists of digital aquifer boundaries for the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Canton Lake to Lake Overholser in... -
Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data collected in 2022 for the Mount Harper project, Eagle, Big Delta, and Mount Hayes quadrangles, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data collected in 2022 for the Mount Harper project, Eagle, Big Delta, and Mount Hayes quadrangles, Alaska, Raw... -
Database for the Surficial Geologic Map of the Charleston Region, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown Counties, South Carolina recent views
Department of the Interior —
This database portrays the surface and shallow subsurface geology of the greater Charleston, S.C. region east of 80°30′ west and south of 33°15′ north. The region... -
Geologic map of the Dalton Highway (Atigun Gorge to Slope Mountain) area, southern Arctic Foothills, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Preliminary Interpretive Report 2002-2, Geologic map of the Dalton Highway (Atigun Gorge to Slope Mountain) area, southern Arctic Foothills, Alaska, provides detailed... -
Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Oklahoma City to Eufaula Lake in east-central Oklahoma recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set consists of digital aquifer boundaries for the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Oklahoma City to Eufaula Lake in east-... -
Surficial-geologic map of the northern Fairbanks mining district, Circle Quadrangle, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Surficial-geologic map of the northern Fairbanks mining district, Circle Quadrangle, Alaska, Report of Investigation 2011-4, shows the distribution of unconsolidated... -
Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Oklahoma City to Eufaula Lake in east-central Oklahoma recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set consists of digital water-level elevation contours for the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Oklahoma City to Eufaula... -
Surficial-geologic map of the Big Hurrah-Council Bluff area, southern Seward Peninsula, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Surficial-geologic map of the Big Hurrah-Council Bluff area, southern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Report of Investigation 2024-6, shows the distribution of... -
Surficial-geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district recent views
State of Alaska —
Preliminary Interpretive Report 2002-1C, Surficial-geologic map of the Eagle A-1 Quadrangle, Fortymile mining district, provides 1:63,360-scale geologic mapping of... -
Percent of Agriculture Land Subject to Select National Resource Inventory Conservation Practices, 2000-2012 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This metadata record describes 26 30-meter raster data sets that estimate the percent of agricultural land that may be subject to select conservation practices for... -
Database for the geologic map of the South Boston 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Virginia and North Carolina recent views
Department of the Interior —
The 1:100,000-scale geologic map of the South Boston 30' x 60' quadrangle, Virginia and North Carolina, provides geologic information for the Piedmont along the I-85... -
Progress report on the geology and mineral resources of the Nome mining district, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Public Data File 94-39, Progress report on the geology and mineral resources of the Nome mining district, Alaska, presents 1:63,360-scale reconnaissance bedrock and... -
Geologic map of the Big Delta B-1 Quadrangle, east-central Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Scientific Investigations Map 2975, Geologic map of the Big Delta B-1 Quadrangle, east-central Alaska, provides detailed (1:63,360-scale) geologic mapping of the U.S.... -
A Guide to the Late Quaternary History of Northern and Western Kenai Peninsula, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Between 27 and 11 kyr ago, during the last major (Naptowne) glaciation, the northwestern and western Kenai Peninsula and the Cook Inlet trough were covered by ice... -
Geology and ore deposits of the central York Mountains, western Seward Peninsula, Alaska recent views
State of Alaska —
Bulletin 1287, Geology and ore deposits of the central York Mountains, western Seward Peninsula, Alaska, provides (1:63,360-scale) geologic mapping of parts of the... -
Approximate western limit of glaciation within the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, Sioux County, North Dakota, and Corson County, South Dakota recent views
Department of the Interior —
This coverage contains information about the western limit of glaciation within the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, Sioux County, North Dakota, and Corson County,... -
Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Beaver-North Canadian River from the panhandle to Canton Lake in northwestern Oklahoma recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set consists of digital hydraulic conductivity values for the alluvial and terrace deposits along the Beaver-North Canadian River from the panhandle to... -
Digital data sets that describe aquifer characteristics of the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Canton Lake to Lake Overholser in central Oklahoma recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data set consists of digital polygons of a constant recharge value for the alluvial and terrace deposits along the North Canadian River from Canton Lake to Lake...