Income to Poverty Ratios in Michigan by Census Tract, 2013 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains information on the ratio of family income to the federal poverty level at the census tract level. Each column beginning with a "T_" lists the... -
Archival Tax Foreclosures in Detroit, 2002 - 2013 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
Wayne County follows a relatively fixed process for initiating tax foreclosures. The county serves notice to any parcel that is more than three years delinquent on... -
Total Population recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing... -
Births byCounty 2014 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains birth information, by county, for the state of Michigan in 2014. Included are births by ethnicity, number of births with inadequate prenatal... -
Detroit Boundary recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
Boundary for the City of Detroit. Obtained from Data Driven Detroit's SDE for the Kresge Early Childhood online mapping tool on July 25, 2017. -
ThirdGrade ELA Math Scores byTract 08032017 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
Third grade English Language Arts (ELA) and Math test results for the 2016-2017 school year by census tract for the state of Michigan. Data Driven Detroit obtained... -
Detroit Zoning recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
Location of different zoning codes in the city of Detroit, Michigan. Parcels sharing the same zoning code have been dissolved together, but remain separated by... -
Detroit Hospitals recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
List of hospitals in the city of Detroit, Michigan. Data includes the name and address and number of beds for each hospital in the city. Data also include primary... -
Motor City Mapping, Certified Results, Winter 2013-14 ( Census Tract Aggregation) recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
In the fall of 2013, the Detroit Blight Removal Task Force commissioned Data Driven Detroit, the Michigan Nonprofit Association, and LOVELAND Technologies to conduct... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByZIP 20181105 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data... -
GraduationRates 2016 2017 byZip 20181019 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
High School graduation rates for the 2016-2017 school year by ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) for the state of Michigan. Data Driven Detroit obtained these... -
Detroit Future City 50 Year Land Use Zones recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
The Detroit Future City Strategic Framework is a land use planning document that was released in 2012. It outlines recommendations for transforming Detroit's land... -
Tax Foreclosures 2016 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
Parcel level Tax Foreclosure data within the City during 2016 were obtained from the Wayne County Treasurer. Data was used for the Income and Poverty section of... -
Poulation Under 6 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing... -
Employment and Labor Force, Census ACS 2011, 5 year, Michigan recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
Employment Rate and Labor Force Participation. From ACS Table B23025. 5yr ACS 2007-11, By Tract, State of Michigan. Table joined to 2010 TiGER census tracts. -
KEEDPublishingSocioEconomic recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
These Socioeconomic Indicators are from the American Community Survey, 2014 5-year estimates. They are at Zip Code level for Oakland, Macomb and Wayne Counties. -
CollegeReadiness 2017 2018 byCnty 20181107 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains college readiness information, by county, for the state of Michigan. This dataset is reporting score information from the 2017-2018 school... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byCntySub 20181129 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by County Subdivision, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead... -
Births byMSA 2014 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains birth information, by MSA, for the state of Michigan in 2014. Included are births by ethnicity, number of births with inadequate prenatal care,... -
Subsidized Housing recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This database includes the quantity of units available for individual programs and whether they are designated for seniors or families. Construction dates are also...