Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) Basal Area Percent Change (Map Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial data and maps of post-fire vegetation condition... -
Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition: Perimeters - PostfireVegChg (Feature Layer) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial and related data representing post-fire vegetation... -
Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) Composite Burn Index (Map Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial data and maps of post-fire vegetation condition... -
Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) Canopy Cover Percent Change (Map Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial data and maps of post-fire vegetation condition... -
Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) Composite Burn Index (Image Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial data and maps of post-fire vegetation condition... -
Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) Basal Area Percent Change (Alaska) (Map Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial data and maps of post-fire vegetation condition... -
Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) Basal Area Percent Change (Image Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial data and maps of post-fire vegetation condition... -
Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition: Perimeters - PostfireVegChg ByForest (Feature Layer) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial and related data representing post-fire vegetation... -
Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) Canopy Cover Percent Change (Image Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial data and maps of post-fire vegetation condition... -
Geopolitical Units adjusted within Administrative Forest Boundaries: Congressional Districts FS revised 2020 Census (Feature Layer) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The USDA Forest Service Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) program produces geospatial and related data representing post-fire vegetation...