FY2008 Global Economic Indicators recent views
Department of State —
This dataset consists of general economic indicators for all countries in the world as collated in the Department of State's Economic Engagement Matrix. -
Nonimmigrant Visa Issuances by Visa Category and by Nationality for Fiscal Years 1997-2014 recent views
Department of State —
This dataset shows the number of nonimmigrant visa issuances organized by visa category (including dependent categories) and nationality for Fiscal Years 1997-2014. -
Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location recent views
Department of State —
Foreign Per Diem rates are established monthly by the Office of Allowances as maximum U.S. dollar rates for reimbursement of U.S. Government civilians traveling on... -
Nonimmigrant Visas by Individual Class of Admission FY1987 - 2014 recent views
Department of State —
This dataset shows the number of nonimmigrant visa issuances organized by visa category (including dependent categories) and nationality for Fiscal Years 1997-2014. -
SIMS FY19Q2-FY20Q1 Global recent views
Department of State —
The Site Improvemnet Through Monitoring Systems (SIMS) is a quality assurance methodology used to increase the impact of PEPFAR programs on the HIV epidemic through...