Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 GOA-IERP & Seward Line 1TX11
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
1.Conduct tandem 20 cm (153 mesh size) and 60 cm (505 mesh size) Bongo net tows at all grid stations (Table 2) working from west to east. Deployments were made aft... -
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Gulf of Alaska Late Larval Survey DY11-02/2DY11
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
A total of 70 stations were occupied. The standard FOCI grid and line 8 were samped. At each station we sampled using paired 20 and 60 cm Bongo frames (150 and 500... -
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Fall Bering Sea Mooring Cruise DY11-04/3DY11
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Our scheduled departure time was delayed due to a combination of weather and shipb??s equipment problems (navigation light, engine). The weather slowed our transit... -
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Gulf of Alaska fall juvenile fish Cruise DY11-06/7DY11
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The cruise began when the ship departed Dutch Harbor on October 1, 2011 at 1500 ADT. Sampling commenced at collection site 1E, which corresponds to Station 1. Station... -
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Gulf of Alaska IERP Cruise TN263/1TT11
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
A total of 105 stations were occupied. There were two sample grids (southeast Alaska and Yakutat Bay) and two transects in the vicinity of Kayak Island. At each...