The 1991-2020 Sea Surface Temperature Normals (NCEI Accession 0282469) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The 1991-2020 climate normals for sea surface temperature (SST) were computed from the NOAA Daily Optimum Interpolation SST (OISST) dataset, in accordance to the... -
NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI), NRLSSI Version 2.1 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This Climate Data Record (CDR) contains solar spectral irradiance (SSI) as a function of time and wavelength created with the Naval Research Laboratory model for... -
NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN-CDR), Version 1 Revision 1 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
PERSIANN Precipitation Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR) is a daily quasi-global precipitation product for the period of 1982 to the present (note that there is a... -
NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Ocean Near Surface Atmospheric Properties, Version 2 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The NOAA Ocean Surface Bundle (OSB) Climate Data Record (CDR) consist of three parts: sea surface temperature; near-surface wind speed, air temperature, and specific... -
Gulf of Mexico SSH Anomaly Grid - 2011 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Since 1996, global, near-real-time maps of mesoscale anomalies derived from tandem sampling provided by altimeters aboard the Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon... -
NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Gridded Satellite Data from ISCCP B1 (GridSat-B1) Infrared Channel Brightness Temperature, Version 2 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The Gridded Satellite (GridSat-B1) data provides a uniform set of quality controlled geostationary satellite observations for the visible, infrared window and... -
Animal Tracking Data recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Since 2009 PSB has been collecting satellite tag telemetry data from sea turtles and other protected species. -
ESA CCI Ocean Colour Product (CCI ALL-v5.0-DAILY), 0.04166666°, 1997-present recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Data products generated by the Ocean Colour component of the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative project. These files are daily composites of merged... -
Gulf of Mexico SSH Anomaly Grid - 2020 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Since 1996, global, near-real-time maps of mesoscale anomalies derived from tandem sampling provided by altimeters aboard the Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon... -
NOAA 1/4-degree Daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST) Analysis from AVHRR and AMSR, Version 2 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) analysis product was developed using an optimum interpolation (OI) technique. The SST analysis has a spatial grid... -
NOAA Optimum Interpolation 1/4 Degree Daily Sea Surface Temperature (OISST) Analysis, Version 2 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) analysis product was developed using an optimum interpolation (OI) technique. The SST analysis has a spatial grid... -
Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) Climate Data Record (CDR), Version 2.3 (Monthly) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) consists of monthly satellite-gauge and associated precipitation error estimates and covers the period January... -
SST, NOAA POES AVHRR, LAC, 0.0125 degrees, West US, Nighttime, 2004-present (Single Scan), degree_F recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
NOAA CoastWatch provides sea surface temperature (SST) products derived from NOAA's Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES). This data is provided at high... -
Temperature, All Surface, NOAA POES AVHRR, LAC, 0.0125 degrees, West US, Nighttime, 2006-present (Single Scan), Lon+/-180 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
NOAA CoastWatch provides surface temperature products derived from NOAA's Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES). This data is provided at high resolution... -
SST, NOAA POES AVHRR, LAC, 0.0125 degrees, West US, Day and Night, 2005-present (14 Day Composite) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
NOAA CoastWatch provides sea surface temperature (SST) products derived from NOAA's Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES). This data is provided at high... -
Gulf of Mexico SSH Anomaly Grid - 2021 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Since 1996, global, near-real-time maps of mesoscale anomalies derived from tandem sampling provided by altimeters aboard the Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon... -
Upwelling and the persistence of coral-reef frameworks in the eastern tropical Pacific, carbonate data, chlorophyll data, and others from 2015-08-21 to 2019-04-05 (NCEI Accession 0239049) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The data described here comes from a study comparing reef habitat alteration along an upwelling gradient in the eastern Tropical Pacific from 2015-08-21 to... -
Ocean Acidification Product Suite recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Scientists within the ACCRETE (Acidification, Climate, and Coral Reef Ecosystems Team) Lab of AOML_s Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division (OCED) have constructed a... -
Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) Climate Data Record (CDR), Version 1.3 (Daily) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The GPCP Daily analysis is a companion to the GPCP Monthly analysis, and provides globally complete precipitation estimates at a spatial resolution of one degree... -
VIIRSN, Suomi-NPP, Level-3 SMI, Global, 4km, K490, 2012-2016, Monthly, DEPRECATED, Lon0360 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
DEPRECATED 2016-04-01 - SEE THE NEW erdVH2018 VERSION. Level-3 Standard Mapped Image (SMI), Global, 4km, Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient K490, Daily composite data...