Medicaid CY2017 byMISenateDistrict 20181106 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains Medicaid data from patients under 18 years of age, by Senate district, in Michigan in 2017. This dataset contains percentage of visits to the... -
Housing Tenure Block Group 2015 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
American Community Survey (2011-2015 5-Year Estimates) block group data was downloaded from American FactFinder, containing the number of owner and renter occupied... -
USDA FS Inventoried Roadless Areas in New Mexico, Sept. 2000 recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This dataset contains all National Forest Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) for New Mexico. The IRA data was originally submitted to GSTC by all national forests... -
TRANSPORTATION Pct Wkrs 16 Yrs and Over by Means of Travel COS 2000 recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected... -
Cadastral PLSS Standardized Data - PLSSReferenceGrid, SE - Version 1.1 recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This feature class is part of the Cadastral National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) CADNSDI publication data set for rectangular and non-rectangular Public Land... -
Race and Ethnicity ACS2018 Tempe recent views
City of Tempe —
This feature layer provides the educational attainment levels in the City of Tempe by census tract. The feature layer was created by clipping the ACS Educational... -
Affiliate Association recent views
City of Tempe —
Associations created to maintain the quality of life in a given neighborhood. These associations consist of both neighborhood associations (NA) and homeowner... -
tempeagebyblockgroup recent views
City of Tempe —
This feature layer provides the age of the population in the City of Tempe by census block group. The feature layer was created using a join of Tempe Census Block... -
Gender - ACS 2014-2018 - Tempe Tracts recent views
City of Tempe —
This feature layer provides the percent of population in the City of Tempe by gender by census tract. The feature layer was created using a join of Tempe Census... -
Ethnicity Tempe tracts recent views
City of Tempe —
This feature layer provides the ethnicity in the City of Tempe by census tract. The feature layer was created using a join of Tempe Census Tract boundaries and... -
Race ACS2014 2018 Tempe tracts recent views
City of Tempe —
This feature layer provides the race in the City of Tempe by census tract. The feature layer was created using a join of Tempe Census Tract boundaries and... -
Disability - ACS 2014-2018 - Tempe Tracts recent views
City of Tempe —
This feature layer provides the percent of population with a disability in the City of Tempe by census tract. The feature layer was created using a join of Tempe... -
Housing - ACS 2016-2020 - Tempe Tracts recent views
City of Tempe —
This layer shows occupied housing units broken down by renter-occupied and owner-occupied status.Data is from the US Census American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByCounty 20181105 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by county, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided by Center for... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByTract 20181105 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by U.S. Census Tract, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided by... -
BUS STOP DDOT 2014 recent views
City of Ferndale, Michigan —
Archival data on bus routes and bus stops in the city of Detroit, MI. Bus routes & stops were constructed from point data made available by the City of Detroit -... -
New Mexico, 2010 Census State Legislative District (SLD) Upper Chamber State-based recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The TIGER/Line Files are shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) that are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census... -
Current Designated Places for Sandoval County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Harding County 2010 Census Blocks recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The TIGER/Line Files are shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) that are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census...