USGS 1 meter Digital Elevation Model recent views
OpenTopography —
The 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) data serve as the elevation layer of The National Map, and provide basic elevation information for Earth science studies and mapping... -
Highways: Interstate, US & State recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This dataset contains lines for all highways in the state of New Mexico. It is in a vector digital data structure digitized from a USGS 1:500,000 scale map of the... -
USGS 1 arc-second Digital Elevation Model recent views
OpenTopography —
This is a 1 arc-second (approximately 30 m) resolution tiled collection of the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) seamless data products . 3DEP data serve as the elevation... -
Aerial Imagery of the Pocatello, Idaho (1975, 0.5-meter) recent views
University of Idaho —
Pocatello, Idaho historical orthomosaic for 1975 was created by collecting, scanning, merging and georectifying historic photography of Pocatello. The total spatial... -
Digital Geologic Map of New Mexico - Formations recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The geologic map was created in GSMAP at Socorro, New Mexico by Orin Anderson and Glen Jones and published as the Geologic Map of New Mexico 1:500,000 in GSMAP format... -
Burn Intensity for the 1992 Foothills Fire within Boise National Forest recent views
University of Idaho —
The downloadable ZIP file contains an Esri ArcInfo Coverage. The data are intended to assist efforts surrounding broad-scale forest planning for analysis in fire-... -
Land-Use Conflict Identification Strategy (LUCIS) Models recent views
University of Idaho —
The downloadable ZIP file contains model documentation and contact information for the model creator. For more information, or a copy of the project report which... -
GPS Roads recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This data set contains a 1:100,000 scale vector digital representation of all interstate highways, all US highways, most of the state highways, and some county roads... -
Burn Intensity for fires within Boise National Forest, Idaho in 1994 recent views
University of Idaho —
The downloadable ZIP file contains an Esri ArcInfo Coverage. This data set reflects fire intensity as measured by canopy scorch for 1994 for Boise National Forest,... -
Aerial Imagery of the Pocatello, Idaho (1984, 0.5-meter) recent views
University of Idaho —
Pocatello, Idaho historical orthomosaic for 1984 was created by collecting, scanning, merging and georectifying historic photography of Pocatello. The total spatial... -
Protected Areas Database for New Mexico recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is a geodatabase, managed by USGS GAP, that illustrates and describes public land ownership, management and... -
New Mexico State Boundary recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The TIGER/Line Shapefiles are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census MAF/TIGER database. The Census MAF/TIGER database... -
Bark Beetle-caused Tree Mortality for the Stanley, Idaho Study Area recent views
University of Idaho —
The downloadable ZIP file contains a georeferenced TIF. This raster layer is a supervised maximum likelihood classification of bark beetle-caused tree mortality based... -
Ground Surface Elevation for Idaho (1/3 arc second, ~10-meter) recent views
University of Idaho —
The U.S. Geological Survey has developed a National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NED is a seamless mosaic of best-available elevation data. The 7.5-minute elevation... -
Aerial Imagery of the Pocatello, Idaho (1963, 0.5-meter) recent views
University of Idaho —
Pocatello, Idaho historical orthomosaic for 1963 was created by collecting, scanning, merging and georectifying historic photography of Pocatello. The total spatial... -
65N 1W.tif recent views
University of Idaho —
Donation sent to the University of Idaho Library Government Documents Librarian a CD containing General Land Office maps on it. A readme file on the CD contains this... -
Ada County 4-H Clubs & Programs recent views
University of Idaho —
Every year, Ada County 4-H, UI Extension engages thousands of Idaho youth in hands-on learning activities in the areas of STEM, Healthy Living and Civic Engagement.... -
Historic Large Fires for Boise National Forest, Idaho for 1900 - 1997 recent views
University of Idaho —
The downloadable ZIP file contains an Esri ArcInfo Coverage. This data set reflects large fires (approximately 200 acre minimum size) for 1900-1997 for Boise National...