Aids To Navigation (ATON) Beacons - Hawaii recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
Displays the location of marine beacons for the State of Hawaii as recorded on NOAA nautical charts. While buoys float at the surface of the water, beacons are fixed... -
Mobile Telecommunications Franchise Pole Reservation Locations recent views
City of New York —
Locations of street light poles, traffic light poles and utility poles reserved by companies authorized by the New York City Department of Information Technology and... -
NARSTO EPA Supersite (SS) Fresno, Aethalometer Multi-Wavelength Carbon Data recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
NARSTO_EPA_SS_FRESNO_AETHALOM_MULTI_WL_CARBON is the North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Supersite... -
NARSTO PAC2001 Sumas Eagle Ridge Gaseous, Particle, and Meteorological Data recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
NARSTO_PAC2001_SUMAS_MTN_GAS_PM_MET_DATA was obtained between August 13 and September 5, 2001 during the Pacific 2001 Air Quality Study (PAC2001). Measurements were... -
Automated Traffic Enforcement Violation Count By Month recent views
District of Columbia —
The Automated Traffic Enforcement (ATE) is a division of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) that uses photo enforcement cameras as a traffic calming... -
Red Light Camera Locations recent views
City of Chicago —
This dataset shows the location, first operational date, and approaches of the red light cameras in the City of Chicago. The approach describes the originating... -
Highway Safety Improvement Program recent views
City of Austin —
Austin Transportation and Public Works was awarded more than $5.5M of funding for Austin-area safety-related projects by the Texas Department of Transportation's... -
Seattle Traffic Camera Infractions recent views
City of Seattle —
Traffic camera infractions issued in the City of Seattle by location and violation type