AKR Exotic Plant Management (EPMT) Geodatabase recent views
Department of the Interior —
Exotic plant survey polygon data representing infested or non-infested areas including inventory, treatment, and monitoring efforts. Polygons are generated by 1)... -
Invasive Plant Monitoring for the Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network: 2006-2022 - Raw Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
Raw data for the Invasive Plant Monitoring for the Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network: 2006-2022 dataset. -
Invasive Plant Monitoring for the Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network: 2006-2022 - Data Package recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset consists of occurrence and cover class observations for problematic invasive plants (so-called “problematic plants”) in the National Park Service... -
Klamath Invasive Plant Monitoring Data Package 2009-2021 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Invasive plant species are most likely to be exotic, as they can take advantage of more favorable growing conditions than they would normally receive in their natural... -
NISIMS Field Geodatabase recent views
Department of the Interior —
Geodatabase used to collect exotic plan management data for upload to NISIMS