The 2008 Hospital Report Card was mandated by the FY08 Appropriations Act, and focused on Congressionally-mandated metrics applicable to general patient populations. The 2009 VHA Facility Quality and Safety Repor report, not required by Congress, shifts to Veteran-centered metrics, and includes information related to infrastructure, care provided in outpatient and hospital settings, quality of care within given patient populations, accreditation status, patient satisfaction and patient outcomes for FY2008. The data in this report have been compiled from multiple sources throughout VHA. This dataset is a compilation of available services within each medical center, whether a medical center is accreditated by Joint commission and/or CARF and details the number of admissions by bed section, admissions per 1000 uniques, and average length of stay by bed sections. Total number of outpatient visits, number of unique patients and the medical center staffing.