ACRES - Brownfields Properties recent views
Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or... -
EPA Envirofacts API recent views
Envirofacts integrates information from a variety of EPA's environmental databases. Each of these databases contains information about facilities that are required to report... -
Materials Discarded in the U.S. Municipal Waste Stream, 1960 to 2009 (in tons) recent views
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has collected and reported data on the generation and disposal of waste in the United States for more than 30 years. We use this... -
Greenhouse Gas Data Publication Tool recent views
This tool to gives you access to greenhouse gas data reported to EPA by large facilities and suppliers in the United States through EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program. The... -
Envirofacts Data Warehouse recent views
The Envirofacts Data Warehouse contains information from select EPA Environmental program office databases and provides access about environmental activities that may affect... -
Visual Power Data Files for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) recent views
The Visual Powerfiles for EEO is an information management and reporting system designed to meet Federal requirements for the agency's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)... -
Substance Identification Information from EPA's Substance Registry recent views
The Substance Registry Services (SRS) is the authoritative resource for basic information about substances of interest to the U.S. EPA and its state and tribal partners.... -
Tribal Consultation Tracking System recent views
The Tribal Consultation Opportunities Tracking System (TCOTS) publicizes upcoming and current EPA consultation opportunities for tribal governments and Alaska Native... -
Superfund Query recent views
The Superfund Query allows users to retrieve data from the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) database. -
Registry of EPA Applications, Models, and Databases recent views
READ is EPA's authoritative source for information about Agency information resources, including applications/systems, datasets and models. READ is one component of the System... -
Fast International Approval and Tracking System recent views
FIAT, a BAP based database, is the electronic process that tracks and monitors the international travel approval process. -
EPA Web Taxonomy recent views
EPA's Web Taxonomy is a faceted hierarchical vocabulary used to tag web pages with terms from a controlled vocabulary. Tagging enables search and discovery of EPA's Web based... -
Substance Registry Services (SRS) recent views
The Substance Registry System (SRS) is EPA's central system for information about regulated and monitored substances. -
Terminology Services recent views
Terminology Services provides tools and services that enable vocabulary development, maintenance and provisioning for the enterprise. -
Summary 2010 Greenhouse Gas Data recent views
This file contains a summary of the publicly available data from the GHG Reporting Program for 2010. This data includes non-confidential data reported by facilities that... -
Complete 2010 Greenhouse Gas Data recent views
These files contain the publicly available data from the GHG Reporting Program for 2010. This data includes non-confidential data reported by facilities that directly emit GHGs.... -
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Enterprise Data Inventory recent views
Complete Enterprise Dataset Inventory (EDI) listing all agency data assets for compliance with federal Project Open Data mandate (https://project-open-data.cio.gov/). -
Grand Traverse Overall Supply Air Monitoring recent views
EPA is conducting soil remediation: contaminated soils are being excavated and hauled offsite to an approved landfill. During soil excavation and backfill activities, we will... -
Error Tracking System recent views
Error Tracking System is a database used to store & track error notifications sent by users of EPA's web site. ETS is managed by OIC/OEI. OECA's ECHO & OEI Envirofacts... -
Federal Docket Management System recent views
Federal Docket Management System. Includes all information published in rulemaking and non-rulemaking dockets. Dockets are posted at Regulations.gov. FDMS is hosted by the...