Total tonnage of commodites carried on commercial waterways by traffic type recent views
Total tonnage and tonnage by traffic type (in short tons of 2000 pounds) of commodites carried on commercial waterways, where the origin and destination of the cargo movement... -
Collection Travel Monitoring Analysis System (TMAS) recent views
Internal FHWA data program that assists in the collection and analysis of data on traffic volumes, vehicle classification, truck weights for traffic statistics, analysis; it is... -
Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database recent views
Overview The IPCD is a nationwide database of passenger transportation terminals, with data on the availability of connections among the various scheduled public transportation... -
Total tonnage (foreign and domestic) of commodites carried on commercial waterways recent views
Total tonnage, total foreign tonnage, and total domestic tonnage (in short tons of 2000 pounds) of commodites carried on commercial waterways for forty years.