Motor Vehicle Registrations Dashboard data recent views
Department of Transportation —
The motor vehicle registration dashboard shows the number and type of vehicle (automobile, truck, motorcycle, and bus) registered over time in each state. -
Licensed Driver Dashboard Data recent views
Department of Transportation —
The table displays the total number of licensed drivers in each State. The table shows the number of male and female licensed drivers by sex and age group. -
Collection Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) recent views
Department of Transportation —
HPMS compiles data on highway network extent, use, condition, and performance. The system consists of a geospatially-enabled database that is used to generate reports... -
Licensed Drivers, by state, sex, and age group recent views
Department of Transportation —
Licensed driver data from Highway Statistics table DL-22, broken down by state, sex, and age group. -
Collection Freight Analysis Framework recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) integrates data from a variety of sources to create a comprehensive picture of freight movement among states and major... -
Collection Travel Monitoring Analysis System (TMAS) recent views
Department of Transportation —
Internal FHWA data program that assists in the collection and analysis of data on traffic volumes, vehicle classification, truck weights for traffic statistics,... -
Highway Statistics - Data Browser recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Highway Statistics Series consists of annual reports containing analyzed statistical information on motor fuel, motor vehicle registrations, driver licenses,... -
Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) Vehicle Trajectories and Supporting Data recent views
Department of Transportation —
Click “Export” on the right to download the vehicle trajectory data. The associated metadata and additional data can be downloaded below under "Attachments".... -
Collection Monthly Traffic Volume Trends recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Traffic Volume Trends montly report is a natinal data report that provides quality controlled vehicle miles traveled data for each State for all roadways -
Collection National Bridge Inventory System (NBI) recent views
Department of Transportation —
The NBI System is the collection of bridge inspection information and costs associated with bridge replacements of structurally deficient bridges on and off the NHS.... -
Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) recent views
Department of Transportation —
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has been receiving Highway inventory, usage, condition and performance data from State Departments of Transportation (DOT)... -
Third Generation Simulation Data (TGSIM) I-395 Trajectories recent views
Department of Transportation —
The main dataset is a 232 MB file of trajectory data (I395-final.csv) that contains position, speed, and acceleration data for non-automated passenger cars, trucks,... -
Truck Size and Weight Enforcement Data recent views
Department of Transportation —
This dataset consists of truck size and weight enforcement data including number of trucks weighed, number of violations, and number of oversize/overweight permits,... -
Third Generation Simulation Data (TGSIM) Foggy Bottom Trajectories recent views
Department of Transportation —
The main dataset is a 350 MB file of trajectory data (TGSIM-Foggy Bottom-Data.csv) that contains position, speed, and acceleration data for pedestrians, bicycles,... -
Collection Toll Facilities in the United States recent views
Department of Transportation —
Biennial report containing selected information on toll facilities in the United States that has been provided to FHWA by the States and/or various toll authorities... -
Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)-Equipped Single-Vehicle Data for Central Ohio recent views
Department of Transportation —
The datasets contain the subject ADAS-equipped vehicle’s trajectory collected in naturalistic traffic conditions in central Ohio. The instrumented subject vehicle was... -
Weekly Traffic Volume recent views
Department of Transportation —
This dataset contains the estimates of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for interstate highways and how the total travel measured by VMT compares with travel that... -
Data for Artificial Intelligence: Data-Centric AI for Transportation: Work Zone Use Case Processed Integrated Traffic Work Zone Data recent views
Department of Transportation —
Data for Artificial Intelligence: Data-Centric AI for Transportation: Work Zone Use Case proposes a data integration pipeline that enhances the utilization of work...