This data set includes Voyager 2 Jupiter encounter magnetometer data that have been resampled at a 9.6 second sample rate. The data set is composed of 6 columns: 1) ctime - this column contains the data acquisition time. The time is always output in the ISO standard spacecraft event time format (yyyy-mm-dd-Thh:mm:ss.sss) but is stored internally in Cline time which is measured in seconds after 00:00:00.000 Jan 01, 1966, 2) br - this column contains the radial component of the magnetic field, 3) bphi - this column contains the phi component of the magnetic field, 4) btheta - this column contains the theta component of the magnetic field, 5) bmag - this column contains the magnitude of the magnetic field, 6) flag - a flag value that indicates either software error or spacecraft hardware interference reduced confidence in this record (flag value of 1 is bad , 0 is good or unchecked). All magnetic field observations are measured in nanoTeslas. The coordinate system for this dataset is Minus System III. All of the magnetic field data are calibrated (see the instrument calibration description for more details). The Jupiter System III coordinate system is defined in Dessler 1983 and the reference documents for this dataset are: Ness et al, 1979A Lepping et al, 1981 Connerney,Acuna,Ness, 1981 Behannon,Burlaga,Ness, 1981