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United States Climate Reference Network (USCRN) Raw Data Transmitted from Satellite

Metadata Updated: September 19, 2023

USCRN Raw Transmitted Data is level 0 data received from the USCRN stations that are transmitted continuously. The data values are ingested with a unique 18-bit format due to satellite transmission limitations (documentation will be archived along with data); code is also included to read the bit format and parse out values for a stream. As of 2017, there are 26 possible stream format versions over the history of the USCRN network; format versions are dependent on hardware/software upgrades to the USCRN network and may increase over time. The data stream includes observations taken by USCRN stations for temperature, precipitation, etc., but users are encouraged to use downstream, processed versions of the data, due to the complexity of reading the satellite-encoded format (see documentation for more information).

As of 2017, data are ingested via various mechanisms, including: an LRGS receiver connected to the NOAA and EDDN satellite networks, a domestic communications satellite (DOMSAT) receiver located at NCEI, and parsed data from NOAAPort. Numerous data files from different sources (usually with a distinct filenaming convention based on source) are collected throughout the month and are separated into subdirectories based on the date of ingest into the CRN database. Files from all sources and all days for the month are packaged together into a monthly archive file.

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License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Date June 23, 2023
Metadata Created Date October 28, 2022
Metadata Updated Date September 19, 2023
Reference Date(s) November 15, 2000 (publication), September 30, 2017 (revision)
Frequency Of Update continual

Metadata Source

Harvested from ncdc

Graphic Preview

Station Picture

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date June 23, 2023
Metadata Created Date October 28, 2022
Metadata Updated Date September 19, 2023
Reference Date(s) November 15, 2000 (publication), September 30, 2017 (revision)
Responsible Party NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (Point of Contact)
Contact Email
Guid gov.noaa.ncdc:C00309
Access Constraints USCRN Program requests that publications using this dataset should also cite the following article: Diamond, H.J., T.R. Karl, M.A. Palecki, C.B. Baker, J.E. Bell, R.D. Leeper, D.R. Easterling, J.H. Lawrimore, T.P. Meyers, M.R. Helfert, G. Goodge, and P.W. Thorne, 2013: U.S. Climate Reference Network after one decade of operations: status and assessment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00170., If emphasizing soil moisture/temperature data, USCRN Program requests that publications using this dataset should also cite the following article: Bell, J.E., M.A. Palecki, C.B. Baker, W.G. Collins, J.H. Lawrimore, R.D. Leeper, M.E. Hall, J. Kochendorfer, T.P. Meyers, T. Wilson, and H.J. Diamond. 2013: U.S. Climate Reference Network Soil Moisture and Temperature Observations. J. Hydrometeorol., doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-12-0146.1
Bbox East Long -65.0
Bbox North Lat 72.0
Bbox South Lat 18.0
Bbox West Long 172.0
Coupled Resource
Frequency Of Update continual
Graphic Preview Description Station Picture
Graphic Preview File
Graphic Preview Type PNG
Harvest Object Id 382a8b53-20f8-433f-8790-e67b301773a3
Harvest Source Id 2cb3ef77-1683-4c2a-9119-dc65e50917c6
Harvest Source Title ncdc
Licence There may be issues with satellite connectivity. Data are provided as best available until finalized with DataLogger data (see documentation).
Lineage The level 0 data received from the USCRN stations are transmitted continuously via satellite. The data values are ingested with a unique 18-bit format due to satellite transmission limitations (see documentation for more information). As of 2016, there are 26 possible stream format versions over the history of the USCRN network; format versions are dependent on hardware/software upgrades to the USCRN network and may increase over time. The USCRN Program at NCEI is the primary source of the raw data, performs QA/QC functions, and prepares the data for archive and distribution.
Metadata Language eng; USA
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[172.0, 18.0], [-65.0, 18.0], [-65.0, 72.0], [172.0, 72.0], [172.0, 18.0]]]}
Progress onGoing
Spatial Data Service Type
Spatial Reference System urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
Spatial Harvester True
Temporal Extent Begin 2000-11-15

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