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Reptile Irreplaceability - ACE [ds2720]

Metadata Updated: November 27, 2024

For more information, see the Terrestrial Endemic Species Index Factsheet at The user can view a list of species potentially present in each hexagon in the ACE online map viewer Note that the names of some rare or endemic species, such as those at risk of over-collection, have been suppressed from the list of species names per hexagon, but are still included in the species counts. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Areas of Conservation Emphasis (ACE) is a compilation and analysis of the best-available statewide spatial information in California on biodiversity, rarity and endemism, harvested species, significant habitats, connectivity and wildlife movement, climate vulnerability, climate refugia, and other relevant data (e.g., other conservation priorities such as those identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP), stressors, land ownership). ACE addresses both terrestrial and aquatic data. The ACE model combines and analyzes terrestrial information in a 2.5 square mile hexagon grid and aquatic information at the HUC12 watershed level across the state to produce a series of maps for use in non-regulatory evaluation of conservation priorities in California. The model addresses as many of CDFWs statewide conservation and recreational mandates as feasible using high quality data sources. High value areas statewide and in each USDA Ecoregion were identified. The ACE maps and data can be viewed in the ACE online map viewer, or downloaded for use in ArcGIS. For more detailed information see and

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than License: See this page for license information.

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Metadata Created Date September 15, 2023
Metadata Updated Date November 27, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from State of California

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date September 15, 2023
Metadata Updated Date November 27, 2024
Publisher California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Identifier fd55bc42-56ec-4ac3-9e79-a7529d159de2
Data First Published 2020-01-23T00:15:42.000Z
Data Last Modified 2019-10-15T00:00:00.000Z
Category Natural Resources
Public Access Level public
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 996ca808-2978-4a9d-bc38-8732af93d556
Harvest Source Id 3ba8a0c1-5dc2-4897-940f-81922d3cf8bc
Harvest Source Title State of California
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 4a8579fd2f69f2a4fed4bf06033b6768199bf4beb73556fbd1cc24b68e4a835b
Source Schema Version 1.1

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