Passive Acoustic Data Collection recent views
The collection and analysis of passive acoustic data supports research into the soundscape of marine environments. Primary uses include detecting and characterizing sounds... -
BOEM Northern Gulf of Mexico Passive Acoustic Monitoring Program Audio Data recent views
The Gulf of Mexico Passive Acoustic Monitoring Program collaborative research project aims to document and describe soundscapes in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoMex) region.... -
Active Sonar Recorded at SanctSound Site MB01_09 recent views
This record represents encounters of active sonar. Encounters of low and mid-frequency active sonar were logged manually from Long-term Spectral Averages using the Logger remora... -
Broadband Sound Pressure Levels at 1 Hour Resolution Recorded at SanctSound Site CI01_06 recent views
This record represents the broadband (BB) sound pressure levels (SPLs) derived from raw passive acoustic data. BB SPLs were calculated by integration of sound pressure spectral... -
Blue Whale Sound Production Recorded at SanctSound Site MB01_09 recent views
This record represents blue whale sound production detected from raw passive acoustic data. Blue whale B calls were detected using Triton's Blue Whale B Call Detector Remora.... -
ONMS Sound Hybrid Millidecade Spectra recent views
These data are hybrid millidecade (HMD) spectra of underwater sound levels derived from calibrated passive acoustic recordings collected by NOAA's Office of National Marine... -
Passive Acoustic Monitoring of North Atlantic Right Whales in Inshore Gulf of Maine recent views
Passive acoustic monitoring of Gulf of Maine waters is a critical aspect of understanding long term changes in North Atlantic right whale (NARW) presence and distribution within... -
Experimental testing of detection, localization, and call density of synthetic sounds using Navy surplus sonobuoys. recent views
A series of synthesized sounds were played back from multiple locations around and within a grid of four DIFAR sonobuoys. Four type 53F DIFAR sonobuoys with attached SPOT GPS... -
ONMS Sound Raw Audio recent views
This record represents the raw passive acoustic data collected by NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) Sound Monitoring Program. ONMS maintains a nationally... -
Mid Frequency Active Sonar Recorded at SanctSound Site HI06_01 recent views
This record represents encounters of mid-frequency active sonar. Encounters of mid-frequency active sonar were logged manually from Long-term Spectral Averages using the Logger... -
Broadband Sound Pressure Levels at 1 Hour Resolution Recorded at SanctSound Site CI05_09 recent views
This record represents the broadband (BB) sound pressure levels (SPLs) derived from raw passive acoustic data. BB SPLs were calculated by integration of sound pressure spectral... -
Sound Pressure Spectral Density at 1 Hertz and 1 Hour Resolution Recorded at SanctSound Site SB01_14 recent views
This record represents the sound pressure spectral density (PSD) levels derived from raw passive acoustic data. The hourly PSD levels were calculated as the median of mean-... -
Vessel Detection Events Recorded at SanctSound Site SB03_13 recent views
This record represents the individual vessel events detected from raw passive acoustic data. Events are identified from the long-term spectral average (LTSAs) created for each... -
Explosion Detection Events Recorded at SanctSound Site CI02_06 recent views
This record represents the explosions detected from raw passive acoustic data. All acoustic data were processed using Triton's Explosion Detector, which is based on a cross-... -
Humpback Whale Sound Production Recorded at SanctSound Site MB01_09 recent views
This record represents manual detection of humpback whale sounds. Humpback presence was determined by manually scanning long-term spectral averages (LTSAs) in the Triton MATLAB... -
Pinniped Sound Production at SanctSoundSite CI02_06 recent views
This record represents pinniped sound production. Pinniped calls were detected by analysts and logged using Triton's Logger Remora. Calls were grouped into encounters, with... -
Sound Pressure Spectral Density at 1 Hertz and 1 Hour Resolution Recorded at SanctSound Site MB01_09 recent views
This record represents the sound pressure spectral density (PSD) levels derived from raw passive acoustic data. The hourly PSD levels were calculated as the median of mean-... -
Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels at 1 Hour Resolution Recorded at SanctSound Site CI01_06 recent views
This record represents the octave band sound pressure levels (OLs) derived from raw passive acoustic data. OLs were calculated by integration of sound pressure spectral density... -
Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels at 1 Hour Resolution Recorded at SanctSound Site CI02_06 recent views
This record represents the octave band sound pressure levels (OLs) derived from raw passive acoustic data. OLs were calculated by integration of sound pressure spectral density...