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NEOWAVE Regional Tsunami Model: American Samoa: Auasi and Aunuu Harbors

Metadata Updated: October 6, 2023

Non-hydrostatic Evolution of Ocean WAVEs (NEOWAVE) regional tsunami model for adjacent Auasi and Aunuu Small Boat Harbors near the eastern tip of the island of Tutuila in American Samoa, categorized by earthquake magnitude and subduction zone. Includes nearshore hazard maps of surge, drawdown, and current for hypothetical advisory and warning-level tsunamis from potential sources at the Kuril-Kamchatka, New Hebrides, Tonga, and Peru-Chile subduction zones. Data are gridded at approximately 5-m resolution referenced to the WGS84 coordinate system and use a vertical datum of mean sea level (MSL). This shock-capturing, dispersive wave model computes tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation for complex flow patterns in shelf and reef environments. It has been validated with analytical, laboratory, and field benchmarks and is approved by the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. These hazard maps cover tsunamis only; other potential hazards such as wind waves and swells would be additive to the surge, drawdown, and current described by these data.

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License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Date March 24, 2023
Metadata Created Date October 6, 2023
Metadata Updated Date October 6, 2023
Reference Date(s) April 20, 2022 (creation), April 20, 2022 (issued), February 2, 2023 (revision)
Frequency Of Update

Metadata Source

Harvested from ioos

Graphic Preview

Sample image.

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date March 24, 2023
Metadata Created Date October 6, 2023
Metadata Updated Date October 6, 2023
Reference Date(s) April 20, 2022 (creation), April 20, 2022 (issued), February 2, 2023 (revision)
Responsible Party University of Hawaii at Manoa (Point of Contact)
Contact Email
Guid neowave_auasi_aunuu
Access Constraints
Bbox East Long -170.558
Bbox North Lat -14.2685
Bbox South Lat -14.2845
Bbox West Long -170.5775
Coupled Resource [{"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}, {"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}, {"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}]
Frequency Of Update
Graphic Preview Description Sample image.
Graphic Preview File
Harvest Object Id 7cb423f7-fc96-4478-8c35-79521e0d5e34
Harvest Source Id 54e15a6e-6dde-4c9c-a8f0-345cc0dfccfb
Harvest Source Title ioos
Lineage 2022-04-20T20:30:00Z New dataset. 2023-02-02T13:37:00Z Floating-point precision adjusted for lat and lon variables to ensure regular grid spacing.
Metadata Language eng
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-170.5775, -14.2845], [-170.558, -14.2845], [-170.558, -14.2685], [-170.5775, -14.2685], [-170.5775, -14.2845]]]}
Spatial Data Service Type THREDDS OPeNDAP
Spatial Reference System
Spatial Harvester True

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