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Myrtle Bend Substrate Enhancement Pilot Project Extent, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, ID, 2014

Metadata Updated: October 5, 2024

The substrate enhancement pilot project (SEPP) extent GIS layer represents an area where an artificial substrate will be placed. The artificial substrate, consisting of a mixed size class of gravel, is aimed at providing a more suitable substrate for sturgeon eggs and early-life rearing habitat. The location of the SEPP extent was created by analyzing the egg-mat network, bathymetric features, surficial sediment facies, and streamflow characteristics. The egg-mat data represent points where sturgeon eggs were captured in previous years, indicating a preference of spawning location. The bathymetry and surficial sediment facies data were used to delineate areas that were relatively flat and completely within the areas of lucustrine clay outcroppings. The streamflow data, consisting of acoustic doppler current profiles throughout the reach, was used to determine areas where the streamflow velocities were high enough to maintain sediment transport of sand and fine grained sediment so that deposition of that sediment would be minimal. The SEPP extent represents an area where sturgeon have spawned previously, located on a low sloped and predominanly lucstrine clay surface, and in an area of relatively high streamflow velocities.

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.

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Metadata Created Date June 1, 2023
Metadata Updated Date October 5, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from DOI EDI

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date June 1, 2023
Metadata Updated Date October 5, 2024
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Identifier USGS:2d264200-77ab-419f-9e69-b336a9d51603
Data Last Modified 20201117
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 010:12
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 1e9859c9-c215-41c9-b988-69293f783370
Harvest Source Id 52bfcc16-6e15-478f-809a-b1bc76f1aeda
Harvest Source Title DOI EDI
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial -116.415872,48.74123,-116.415305,48.742747
Publisher Hierarchy White House > U.S. Department of the Interior > U.S. Geological Survey
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash e9411f81a35e6a9d01eeadc0370550e7ecbd0977ed80fdb5b303c438e91e3fe8
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -116.415872, 48.74123, -116.415872, 48.742747, -116.415305, 48.742747, -116.415305, 48.74123, -116.415872, 48.74123}

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