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Louisville Metro KY - Animal License data (5 years coverage up to last 30 days)

Metadata Updated: April 13, 2023

Animal Services Provides for the care and control of animals in the Louisville Metro area, including pet licensing and pet adoption.Data Dictionary:animal id - Unique identifying number assigned to each specific animaltag number - Unique identifying number assigned to each individual tagtag type- The type of tag or permit purchasedLIC 3Y 3yr spayed/neutered licenseLIC 3YSR 3yr senior spayed/neutered licenseLIC ALTERED 1 year spayed/neutered licenseLIC ASST 1 year assistance animal licenseLIC DD1 year dangerous dog licenseLIC MULTIPLE 1 year discounted license when they license more than 3 animalsLIC PDD 1 year potentially dangerous dog licenseLIC SR 1 year senior altered licenseLIC UNALTERED 1 year non spayed or neutered licensePER ADV Animal Drawn Vehicle permitPER BOARDING Boarding permitPER CIRCUS Circus permitPER CIRCUS EL Elephant Ride permitPER CLASS A Class A kennel licensePER HS Animal Welfare Group permitPER PS NOSELL Pet Shop not selling dogs, cats or ferrets permitPER PS SELL Pet shop selling dogs, cats or ferrets permitPER STABLE Stable permitPER SWINE Swine permitRAB VAC CERT. Rabies vaccination tagRABIES CERT Rabies vaccination tagtag date - The date the tag was issued to the ownertag expire - The date that the tag expirestag status - The status of the tag or permitCURRENT Tag is currentDEAD Pet is deceasedDUPLICATE Owner lost the tag and it is replacedEXPIRED Tag is expiredGAVE AWAY Owner gave pet away to new owner and did not transfer tagLOST Owner no longer has the petMOVED Owner no longer lives in Jefferson CountyMOVED JEFF Owner no longer lives in Jefferson CountyNO REASON Did not give a reasonNOT MY PET Owner no longer has the petNOT OWNER Owner no longer has the petRENEWED New license has been issuedREPLACED Owner lost the tag and it is replacedRETUR MAIL Owners moved and the tag is undeliverableREVOKED Tag or permit taken away due to violationsTEMPORARY Issued to a person until requirements are metTURN IN Owner no longer has the petUNKNOWN Did not give a reasonvax date- The date the animal was given a rabies vaccinationvax expire- The date the rabies vaccination expirescity, state, zip code - The city, state and zip code associated with the owner of the animals addressanimal type- Type of animal associated with the tagsex- The sex of the animalM maleF femaleN neuteredS spayedU unknownpet dob- The date of birth of the animalbites- Does the animal have a bite reported to MASY yesN nocolor - The color of the animalbreed - The breed of animalvet name - The name of the vet or agency that administered the rabies vaccination.Contact:Adam

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than See Terms License: See this page for license information.

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Metadata Created Date April 13, 2023
Metadata Updated Date April 13, 2023

Metadata Source

Harvested from Louisville Open Data

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date April 13, 2023
Metadata Updated Date April 13, 2023
Publisher Louisville/Jefferson County Information Consortium
Data First Published 2022-06-03T12:58:18.000Z
Data Last Modified 2023-04-12T12:36:33.013Z
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Bureau Code 010:86, 010:04
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 65dfdf16-36d7-457e-b690-2d5aca478dc6
Harvest Source Id df573dd9-dda2-439d-be4a-c5a3e9b0cc03
Harvest Source Title Louisville Open Data
Homepage URL
Metadata Type geospatial
Platform ArcGIS Hub
Program Code 015:001, 015:002
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash dc0bbc364d7a363fe63c5e00776d82d11d90c717
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {{extent:computeSpatialProperty}}
Summary {{snippet}}

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