The Juno Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) CODMAC Level 3 Reduced Data Record is
a collection of the far ultraviolet photon detections obtained by the UVS
instrument, corrected for instrumental effects, radiometrically calibrated,
and correlated with the auxiliary information needed to locate the
observations in space and time. These data are organized, in a manner very
similar to the RDR product files from which they are derived, into extensions
within files formatted according to the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
standard, version 2.1b. The UVS RDR archive enables reprocessing of the
corrected and calibrated science data into far ultraviolet map products as map
processing routines improve. Investigators interested in applying advanced
mapping methods or needing to understand the properties of the corrected and
calibrated data will find the RDR products useful. Many investigators,
however, will be interested in using the UVS CODMAC Level 5 far ultraviolet
map products directly.