This data set includes full resolution electric and magnetic wave spectra obtained during a ~ 15-minute period of contiguous observations near the closest approach to Ida and a number of non-contiguous spectra taken prior to closest approach. In addition waveform survey data (uncalibrated) and all instrument housekeeping data are included. The parameters provided for both the electric and magnetic field spectral data are uncalibrated data numbers. Software and calibration tables provided as part of this data set allow for fully calibrated data for the electric field measurements in raw data numbers, voltage at the antenna inputs (V), electric field (V/m), electric field spectral density (V2/m2/Hz), or power flux (W/m2/Hz). The magnetic field measurements can be provided in units of magnetic field spectral density (nT2/Hz). The sources of these data are the High Frequency Receiver, Sweep Frequency Receiver, and Spectrum Analyzer which make up the Low Rate Science portion of the PWS. During the included time interval, the instrument cycled between the electric and magnetic antennas for the Sweep Frequency Receiver and the Spectrum Analyzer. The High Frequency Receiver is always connected to the electric antenna. Hence, for the Sweep Frequency Receiver and the Spectrum Analyzer, the temporal resolution for electric measurements is basically one spectrum per 37.33 seconds. For the High Frequency Receiver, the time between spectra is 18.67 seconds. Note that the lowest 14 High Frequency Receiver channels are sampled twice per 18.67 seconds while the remaining channels are sampled only once. The four Spectrum Analyzer channels are each sampled 7 times in an 18.67 sec interval.