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Evaluation of the Juvenile Breaking the Cycle Program in Lane County, Oregon, 2000-2002

Metadata Updated: November 28, 2023

This study was conducted between April 15, 2000 and November 15, 2002 to evaluate the effects of the Juvenile Break the Cycle program (JBTC) in Lane County, Oregon on the interim and longer-term outcomes for juvenile offenders who were deemed high risk and had a history of alcohol and/or other drug use. The study was conducted using three waves of interviews as well as administrative data. The baseline interview was given to and administrative data were collected on 306 juveniles. The 6-month follow-up interview was completed by 208 juveniles and the 12-month follow-up interview was completed by 183 juveniles. Variables included in the study are history of alcohol and/or other drug use, diagnosis of mental health problems, history of previous contact with the juvenile justice system, substance abuse risk score, total risk score, and history of substance abuse treatment or mental health counseling. Variables related to JBTC include program assignment, the number of drug test administered between interviews, and the number of positive drug tests.

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Restricted: This dataset can only be accessed or used under certain conditions. License: us-pd

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Metadata Created Date August 18, 2021
Metadata Updated Date November 28, 2023

Metadata Source

Harvested from DOJ JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date August 18, 2021
Metadata Updated Date November 28, 2023
Publisher National Institute of Justice
Identifier 3147
Data First Published 2006-09-21T00:00:00
Language eng
Data Last Modified 2006-09-21T00:00:00
Rights These data are restricted due to the increased risk of violation of confidentiality of respondent and subject data.
Public Access Level restricted public
Bureau Code 011:21
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id f2cbbd87-ec41-46de-8c0f-bfeec5b8f0f9
Harvest Source Id 3290e90a-116f-42fc-86ac-e65521ef3b68
Harvest Source Title DOJ JSON
Program Code 011:060
Publisher Hierarchy Office of Justice Programs > National Institute of Justice
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 4ac069240cac853174cf4fc33f44867e3e9d121bcee35d1c6270f3c8cb24645d
Source Schema Version 1.1

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